
Poll is finished. Quest to Save Kompressor will be a "test game" before I do QFTA.

High Rollers Its like "Pass or Fail" or "Blockade Blasters'. Multiple players allowed.
Quest For The ACNRHKLAHBSLFGSG(L) One Blockhead's adventure to find a weapon that can surpass the Ion Cannon
Post Apocalyptic Alcoholism Find a source of alcohol in a nuclear wasteland.
The Eve Of Version 21 As Version 21 looms over the horizion, one thought crosses your mind: How will you spend your last few days in Version 20?
Liberal Crime Squad:BLF Edition Liberal Crime Squad adapted into a forum adventure. Defeat the Conservative Crime Squad, kidnap and brainwash people, and drop terrible pickup lines.

Author Topic: BLOODLUST [Quest to Save Kompressor: Soon.]  (Read 125131 times)

Pit your snake stand against Kenshiro.

unleash the Megaspy onto the earth, bullstuff will reign for eternity!

Recieve an overall performance rating [i.e. SS, S, A+, A, B, C, D, E, F++, F+, F, 0]

take over the BLOODLUST forum topic and lock the thread forever, and you will finally become free

take over the BLOODLUST forum topic and lock the thread forever, and you will finally become free

The megaspy will rule the world, and you will be free, it will be locked away to reign bullstuff for eternity.

Begin the Quest to Save Kompressor thread

let cats rule the world under one flag as it always should be

Decepticon didn't even stick around to see Free Roam(or post a suggestion), which is a shame.
eh to be honest the moment i realized this was going to be timed and no matter what we did it would be replaced, i sort of lost interest
« Last Edit: July 29, 2015, 11:27:53 PM by Decepticon »

find the hottest girl in town and forget her right on the spot

Make it rain mini-nukes while blasting the RYNO V song

Thanks for doing this.

Mininukes rain from the sky while the 1812 Overture begins to play!

Pit your snake stand against Kenshiro.

Kenshiro rapidfire punches the stuff out of your stand.

unleash the Megaspy onto the earth, bullstuff will reign for eternity!

The reign of bullstuff begins! Tremble!

Kiss Kiss-Kiss

Kiss-Kiss meows and runs away confused after you kiss him.

let cats rule the world under one flag as it always should be
eh to be honest the moment i realized this was going to be timed and no matter what we did it would be replaced, i sort of lost interest

You warp reality so that cats rule the world. The Earth is mostly peaceful except for the Cats going on genocide crusades against the birds.

find the hottest girl in town and forget her right on the spot

You find the hottest girl in town, but don't think that she's enough. You rewrite reality and enhance that before inviting her in for some Hot Coffee.

Recieve an overall performance rating [i.e. SS, S, A+, A, B, C, D, E, F++, F+, F, 0]
take over the BLOODLUST forum topic and lock the thread forever, and you will finally become free

Overall Performance: A+, honestly.

Free Roam mode has ended. BLOODLUST has also ended.

Sven Svenson is now truly free to pursue his own adventures with nobody controlling him. The End.

Begin the Quest to Save Kompressor thread

Still WIP and trying to balance weapons. Not pictured: the rest of the document

Now that this is out of the way, theres the matter of Quest to Save Kompressor and Quest for the ACNRHKLAHBSLFGSG(L). Current plans for QSK/QFTA involve a health and skill system that actually does what its supposed to do, unlike when I did V21:Left Behind or The Assassination. Skills in V21:LB or TA did jack stuff, honestly.

Current plans for bosses in QSK:
Contrarian Man
"Its opposite day."

A backwards Blockhead armed with a Deflector and the ability to flip things. This boss actively screws with the "interface", if you will. When he flips things, it will also flip the text, too! ¡sᴉɥʇ ǝʞᴉ˥
Akimbo Duo/Trikimbo Trio/Tetrakimbo Quartet
"Tremble at the terrible Akimbo Duo/Trikimbo Trio/Tetrakimbo Quartet!"

These are actually separate bosses, but grouped onto one line. The Akimbo Duo is two bosses attacking with Guns Akimbo, Trikimbo Trio is three bosses w/ Guns Trikimbo, and so on.
Kompressor's Hostage Taker
"You can't win! Let it be known that we died in the name of the Bedroom!"

THE Final Boss. The one who took Kompressor hostage in the first place.
Musical Assassins
A bunch of anonymous hitmen with deadly skill in musical instruments.

Planned Factions in QSK:
The Landscapers
"Without Maps and Terrain, Blockland is nothing. Look at the sorry state Blockland is today! Do you not see it?"
A bunch of oldtimers that cling to the past they once knew: the Bedroom. Mostly comprised of longtime Blockland players, and they have quite the stock of old and private addons.

The Ghosts
"Adapt and modernize already, damn it!"
A group that formed in response to the Landscapers. A mixture of old and new Blockland players trying to prevent the Landscapers from realizing their goals. Due to a lack of manpower, they rely more on robots.

The Church of Badspot
"Hello there, my child. Have you come to pray to our very own lord, Badspot?"
Badspot's very own fan club and church. They hail Badspot as a almighty god.

The Cult of John Madden
A cult that obsessively worships John Madden. Opposed to the Church of Badspot as the Cult thinks of them as infidels worshipping a false god.

You are free to suggest factions/companions/bosses for either QSK or Quest For the ACNRHKLAHBSLFGSG(L). Still balancing weapons in Quest to Save Kompressor. Weapons are currently organized by at what point in the story they'll appear at.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2015, 03:26:27 PM by tber123 »

Can people apply for characters? Cause I'd like to be a part of the story.

Companion/Boss: Agent CRIT.

If in john madden cult/landscapers/landscaper oriented clan:You fillthy landscaper scum! We already have modter and bricks! That will teach you to go to a ghost elite! (Boss Battle)

In no clan or in player clan oriented to no side:You have no importance to me,you can go away.

If Ghosts and Badspot Cult or Ghost only:Hey! You look pretty strong for a ghosts operative. Im probably going to join you. (Companion)

Agent CRIT 15 HP.


If still in enemy clans:*Comes back*Im here again! And this time im stronger then ever.

If still in party:*Aquires tank cannon*That is a powerful weapon,and im used to them,but i could never use them much. *Stat Upgrades*

If originally in no clan and then in a enemy one:Hey! I saw you before and now you turn bad.

If recruited then party joins enemy clan:What the heck is wrong with you! Looks like i have no other choice *Battle*

Agent CRIT *Upgraded* 80HP

1.Tank Cannon 110-160

Weapon suggestion:Tank Cannon 60-100 DMG.

These are all my suggestions and its long due to dialogue being added.

Can you have a flipped text translator, because I cant see flipped text on my 3DS

don't forget the religion of Hulk Hogan

Don't forget about Gikon's Buddha, Death and Dual Reich!