Hurricane/thunderstorm happening

Author Topic: Hurricane/thunderstorm happening  (Read 1071 times)

Currently in New Jersey, a huge thunderstorm is happening right now and I barely have any power. I'm in my family room with my dog. I have a flashlight and my phone and there is a laundry room right behind me which my dog likes to hang out in during scary times like these. So yeah.

EDIT: Apparently the worst of the storm is gone. Still haven't lost power.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2015, 05:39:11 PM by blØckster »

wish you luck
also make sure you have things pack incase a hurricane hits in

UPDATE: Welp. The storm stopped, and there is no rain. So I feel a lot better now. Just tons of puddles everywhere.

happened in ny too
i almost died

Same here in MA

I hope I don't die

im about to get hit by the same line of storms


What, a storm? I mean some really dark clouds just came over my area
i wasn't informed about this, i hope everything's okay.
i live in nj btw

Another update: Apparently a tornado passed through my neighborhood. Never heard it. I took a walk and saw a couple trees fallen down. I'll try to get pictures in the morning. <--- Wrong. A tornado passed through my state.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2015, 11:40:59 PM by blØckster »