Author Topic: The Purification (RP)  (Read 4233 times)

Updated OP with a completely unoriginal title

Yes I'm still working on this.

And yes it /is/ gonna get finished.

I finally sorted out my hosting issues so everything is alright now.

I feel like making factions for this RP,

The Voltage Rebels (Or the Electrics, or something similar to that. Whichever one sounds cooler ;))

This is a group of ex-cons that are completely against the government and the police force, they are here to protect the civilians from the corrupt government and cops... hopefully.

The Rising Freeborns (The RF)

A group of religious folk led by an all-powerful omniscient being they call The Watcher. They have only one thing in mind... Power.

Tell me what you think!

The map is almost finished. A few more additions and we should be good to go! The map is not even near finished! Apparently I'm working on this on my own so it's gonna take longer than expected

« Last Edit: July 12, 2015, 02:34:07 PM by Wolfeh9478 »

What year is it during the RP?
Still 2040?

Sorry, I forgot to mention that.

This takes place a few years after the events that started it, so about 2050.

how about the old california republic?

The Vigilantes

A group of people rejected from the police force, they seek what the police force wants.

How about it?

how about the old california republic?

The Vigilantes

A group of people rejected from the police force, they seek what the police force wants.

How about it?

So it's basically just the police force... but unofficial? With the same goals as the police force?

So it's basically just the police force... but unofficial? With the same goals as the police force?
yeah but maybe they're being attacked by the police force and they sometimes rob stores? idk.

edit: Maybe they're more brutal, they mainly kill and rarely beat people up when they're nearly dead. unless thats what the police force does?

This is pretty much what i'm trying to do with the Rebels.

They're against the police, they attack the police and try to kill them.

But they're mainly the protectors of the civilians...



First infestation site is in the works.
It's more of a residential town, so there's no shops or anything of the sort there.

Pics will be added later with progress.

An idea I had was to make a whitelist so we don't have a ton of noobs running around trying to spraypaint people. pro paintres loel

it's just an idea, let me know if any of you think otherwise

Mutalids are the main enemy now, which have never been done.

I used Mutalids for my Apoc Rp before. I hosted it for 10 minutes then shut it down and never hosted it again

I have an idea for another faction, this time not like the rebels

Explosion Men (something like this)

They use mainly explosives and pump action weapons or revolvers, they can kinda be bandits? your choice, really.

Update: The place is being built along with some buildings out in the foresty area. Those of you who've been on the server will know what I'm talking about.

I haven't been on much lately, you can blame CS:GO for that... MG hard ;-;

Anyways, I'm adding an area at the place as well as more things and stuff.

Yeah, that's the amount of work I've done in the past few months.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2015, 11:47:18 PM by Wolfeh9478 »

The map currently is playable (somewhat) and is about 20-30% finished (Probably not, but who knows.)

Hopefully the Muties (Which is apparently what people are calling them) won't be too much of a nuisance

me and a few other people have had fun the past few days testing the... er... Roleplayability I guess you can call it. So far... not very interesting. Also calling people "loving handicaps" is apparently rude. No clue how.

So yeah, come join if you want to test the playability of the map thus far.

So, by somewhat popular request, I'm re-making the map. It will be a brickscape (kind of)

story will stay the same, the setting will stay the same. I'm just making the map pretty. that's all... :)
i will post pics later

This is a lost cause...

I can never find the time to work on this. When i do, I just don't feel like working

I'm done working on it. As I said, I can't seem to bring myself to build anything for it, and I'm usually doing other things.

If anyone can make a server out of this, I applaud you. Feel free to use the story and edit it however you please. I might stop by and say Hi if anything gets done, but I doubt anyone's gonna take the time.

Peace, all.