
Adventure vs Drama


Author Topic: [VOTE] what is the best movie genre of all time?? - ADVENTURE vs DRAMA!  (Read 448922 times)

No jairo I was not joking, I really do enjoy Circus Peanuts
You are truly forgeted.

it's not even corn and tastes nothing like corn.
Would you actually eat candy that tasted like corn?
That's like a broccoli chocolate bar.

candy corn is not the issue here. whoppers are the worst candy ever made and should not win against anything.
Hold on, I've just done some googling.
If Whoppers are the same as Maltesers, which I can't attest to because they might taste differently, then you've just commited a mortal sin.
Because Maltesers are brilliant.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2015, 09:41:18 PM by sir dooble »

candy corn is not the issue here. whoppers are the worst candy ever made and should not win against anything.
you're disgusting

Would you actually eat candy that tasted like corn?
That's like a broccoli chocolate bar.
but why call it candy corn if it's not corn. who wants candied corn? no one.

but why call it candy corn if it's not corn. who wants candied corn? no one.
Peanut butter cups aren't cups

candy corn winning over whoppers? what the forget are you smoking, candy corn is quite possibly the worst candy ever. it's not even corn and tastes nothing like corn. it tastes like some sad excuse for a sweets that was made of leftover ingredients. someone looked at some leftover, stale candy ingredients and went, "you know what? let's make something disgusting and see what happens." and they made candy corn, just for masochists who want to torture their mouth.
candy corn is horrible and i don't know how anyone in their right mind can like that stuff. it's like eating a dried turd with sugar mixed in.
but why call it candy corn if it's not corn. who wants candied corn? no one.

an open letter to anyone who dislikes whoppers: forget you

Peanut butter cups aren't cups
but they are once you take off the top layer. it's a chocolate cup filled with peanut butter. it makes sense.

an open letter to anyone who dislikes whoppers: forget you
i second the motion

everyone who picked kit-kat is a nerd

but they are once you take off the top layer. it's a chocolate cup filled with peanut butter. it makes sense.
They are bowls not cups

what is so good about nersd

>candy corn making it beyond their first matchup
>m&ms beating sour patch kids

candy corn is not the issue here. whoppers are the worst candy ever made and should not win against anything.
no wonder america is totally upside down forgeted with bad opinions like this floating around. get a clue, buddy.
what is so good about nersd
nothing at all. they're chunks of flavored sugar. they can suck a big load imo.

If Whoppers are the same as Maltesers, which I can't attest to because they might taste differently, then you've just commited a mortal sin.
Because Maltesers are brilliant.
if maltesers are the same as whoppers and you think they're good, you'll have lost all your credibility
do you wanna risk it, punk??