
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Somewhere in the middle
None of the above

Author Topic: Introvert vs Extrovert  (Read 6926 times)

A quick way to determine which you are:

Are you energized by time spent alone or by being out with friends/other people?

 - Extroverted people need to spend time around others to feel energized
 - Extroverts are often outgoing
 - Extroverts get lonely when they are not with people, and often need a variety of people to maintain their interest

 - Introverted people get their energy sapped by being around others and need time alone to re-energize
 - Introverts prefer to spend time by themselves
 - Introverts can get lonely when they are surrounded by people- especially if they don’t know them.

Stigma relief:
Not all extroverts are loud-mouths who crave attention
Not all introverts are shy wimps who sit in the corner reading books

Discuss below
« Last Edit: July 26, 2015, 07:42:53 PM by HypnoT »


I remember after my Grandfathers funeral with so many people I had to take a bunch of naps to get my energy back and a quite a few caffeinated drinks.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2015, 07:22:48 PM by ThatRandomGuy »

i am WAY extroverted

if im on my laptop i need to be talking to someone through steam or whatever, i cant just be by myself. im always texting someone or in teamspeak and i hang out with friends whenever i can. i hate being alone. i tend to make friends quickly and easily and most people i'm around enjoy my company. i get tons of energy from being around my bros

i am WAY extroverted

if im on my laptop i need to be talking to someone through steam or whatever, i cant just be by myself. im always texting someone or in teamspeak and i hang out with friends whenever i can. i hate being alone. i tend to make friends quickly and easily and most people i'm around enjoy my company.

amen brotha


I find myself to be very introverted; I often need one or two days a week just to myself to recharge after being around other people during the rest of the week and I always relish my time alone.

I am an introvert irl and I hate being around large groups of people, but online I'm quite extroverted and always have to be talking to somebody or socializing in some way.

I am an introvert irl and I hate being around large groups of people, but online I'm quite extroverted and always have to be talking to somebody or socializing in some way.

i could just walk around the mall all day without buying anything and have fun

You are asking it on the blockland forums. Everyone here is introvert...

You are asking it on the blockland forums. Everyone here is introvert...

yea and i'm a prime example right?????

I'm an extroverted person on the outside but I am a real introvert
I can have conversations and I love meeting new people
I can't handle crowds and talking with people all day wears me down fast.

I guess if I had to pick I'd say introverted

I'm somewhere in between introvert and shy.

I make conversation with people but only when I feel like it

Shameless promoting: http://forum.blockland.us/index.php?topic=283035.0