Author Topic: Your View on Gun Control Laws?  (Read 3049 times)

my highschool provides graphing calculators most of the time

Mine did this too, but I rarely ever used them since I use my dad's TI-83 from when he was in college.

Some teachers take it way too far. I had a particularly bitchy teacher last year who confiscated phones first offense no matter the circumstances. One kid's mom called him in an emergency situation and by the time he answered the teacher had her hand out and said "I don't care, should have asked first". She also had a windowless room with nearly blank walls, was about as exciting as watching paint dry, and was one of only a few teachers in the school to use computer spying software on all of us, but thats another story.

do tell?

Honesty, idk what her problem is, she's super strict about everything, is insanely boring, and isn't even old. Everyone who has her hates her, although my parents love her. If she catches you using any electronics in her class, or a computer for anything other than what she says (and she has a thing called DyKnow where she can see everyones screen on her monitor and can even remotely control laptops), she'll take it and that'll be that. She once took my phone for using it before class officially started. She's the strictest teacher in the school about talking in class and even whispering she will hear and take away major grade points (sometimes even deducting points for future days). Music used to be allowed at specified times but she eventually banned that to because "one kid decided to ruin it for everyone". She's also the only teacher I've had whos legit freaked out at kids for not standing or removing hats for the pledge of allegiance and has 2 American flags hanging in her room. Also her name legit rhymes with "jackass".

In our school at lunch we can go out and buy stuff from the shops around the school and usually there aren't any teachers so you can use them freely but if you're seen with one in the yard/cafeteria it's taken

bitch this is america i use my phone when i want

my school allows people to have their phones with them, they just can't use them during classes unless using them for something school related like for research or as a calculator

I don't see why not, if you can't stay off of it then some time away from it would be good. At lunch of such though it should be allowed

they have no right to take your property.
your parents sign things when you begin school every year
(at least, they're supposed to)
and the act of signing these things generally gives them the right to take your property. because that's why you sign it
another thing to consider is a parent's view on this; would they be OK with the school taking a student's cell phone if caught texting in class, because it forces them to pay attention?
if you don't want your kid's phone taken from them when they get in trouble with it, don't let them take it to school

(and she has a thing called DyKnow where she can see everyones screen on her monitor and can even remotely control laptops)

Heh uh yeah I found out that my English professor did that the hard way.

Heh uh yeah I found out that my English professor did that the hard way.
What, were you looking at research or something mate? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I remember getting caught in lunch playing a game on my phone. They tried to take it away and I have the equivalent of forget you. They gave me a lunch detention, 1 of 4 that I never served.

I remember getting caught in lunch playing a game on my phone. They tried to take it away and I have the equivalent of forget you. They gave me a lunch detention, 1 of 4 that I never served.

forgetin badass

I remember getting caught in lunch playing a game on my phone. They tried to take it away and I have the equivalent of forget you. They gave me a lunch detention, 1 of 4 that I never served.
what a bad boy
u skipped one "lunch detention" out of four
i wish i was as cool as u

what a bad boy
u skipped one "lunch detention" out of four
i wish i was as cool as u
No 1 of the 4 that I skipped, I only go if they are justified.