MERPer by the name of 'richard Phuck'

Author Topic: MERPer by the name of 'richard Phuck'  (Read 2800 times)

Ban from your MERP.

its too small sorry

have a cookie though  :cookie:

ok i like cookiez  :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster:
welcome anytime :-)

seriously though; the guy is a stuffhead

cocies lol!!!  :cookie: :cookie: :cookieMonster: i lvo ckoceis

I think my brain went to Mars after reading this godawful Drama

its too small sorry

have a cookie though  :cookie:
Click the image
Its magic

"majestic erotic roleplay?

His name wasn't in the daprogs lookup tool, do you have this guy's ID?

His name wasn't in the daprogs lookup tool, do you have this guy's ID?
No, sorry. Please forgive me, the guy was soon kicked and banned, I can try to ask an admin though.

I am failing to understand why people think this drama is bad, its just a really basic/simple drama.

Person X did this.
Picture A shows what Person X did and it gives a reason to just ban him when he appears at your server.

Just have somebody contact the host to have him banned or something.

op has been posting in drama since august 11th, the day he created his account