Author Topic: My grandfather got surgery and might not make it  (Read 1828 times)

My condolences... But hey if your grandma follows soon after you get free stuff.
please stop thats not helping

My condolences... But hey if your grandma follows soon after you get free stuff.
im not sure it's free if you have to have two family members die to get it

my condolences, it's never fun to lose anyone in you family, especially when they're so close to you

My condolences... But hey if your grandma follows soon after you get free stuff.
you know i consider myself a giant starfish but you must have put all your energy and effort into being this much of an starfish and i really gotta say you're doing a damn good job

I'm really sorry to hear that, I hope all goes well, I've never lost a very close family member before but I can imagine that it's horrible ;-;

Do they think he has any chance?

Do they think he has any chance?
I think the doctors have bad diagnosis for him, but we all hope he gets okay

My condolences... But hey if your grandma follows soon after you get free stuff.
well, my grandmother passed away when my dad was 11, really sad story

my condolences, my dad's close friend died of a staff infection after having open heart surgery. I didn't know him well but he was special to my dad

btw I think it is

"He hadn't any hunger at all"

it is always bad news when you discover something happened to somebody close to family even though you didnt meet that person

My condolences. Hopefully your grandfather makes it.

it sucked when my dad died, but i never really got to know him because I just turned 9, 1 month before when he died.

Yellow eyes usually indicate a problem with the liver, doesn't necessarily mean its fatal but it depends on the extent of damage usually. Livers have the ability to recover fully if the damage is not major

Yellow eyes usually indicate a problem with the liver, doesn't necessarily mean its fatal but it depends on the extent of damage usually. Livers have the ability to recover fully if the damage is not major
I think youre right, my grandfather had kidneys and heart problems.
The heart problem was minor though
my mom told me my grandfather had a lot of problems and together they made him be like this right now

I think he is still sedated, but he is going slowly better. That are good news

My mom just told me the worst news

my grandfather's whole intestine died
he will be disconnected tonight, they say there is nothing else to do

This is really sad :(

Spend time with him while you can OP.
I missed my chance for closure when my grandfather died and it's a very sad thing.