Author Topic: Liberal Crime Squad Megathread - Polictical systems and bad pickup lines  (Read 3908 times)

What is Liberal Crime Squad?
(Modified version of Johnathan S. Fox's description below)

Liberal Crime Squad is a satirical open-source text-based modern strategic political RPG with bad pickup lines and bad graphics.

You play as the founder of a left-wing terrorist cell devoted to saving the United States from its descent into Conservative Insanity though writing to newspapers, volunteering, playing protest music, seduction, flag burning, graffiti, hacking, kidnapping, torture, murder, brainwashing, and other common and uncommon activist activities. You and your Liberal squadmates win when the laws of the US are made to "Elite Liberal".

Your rivals, the Conservative Crime Squad, are right-wing M16-toting Rednecks. If the Conservative Agenda is fully fulfilled,  an Arch-Conservative Amendment repealing the Constitution and making the United States into the Confederate States (where instead of a president, Ronald Reagan is King for all time, Congress is made up of CEOs and televangelists, and anyone may write a petition to Jesus for a redress of grievances, because no one else will be listening), will be passed, ending the game due to the abject failure of the Liberal Agenda.

The Stalinist Comrade Squad is a third, unfortunately unimplemented faction in Liberal Crime Squad. They are supposed to be "final bosses" that appear when the Liberal Revolution is almost complete and seize control of it. Failure to stop the Stalinists will result in a game over where you are deported to a gulag in newly annexed Canada.

There are four versions of Liberal Crime Squad worth looking at:
Version 4.07.0 is the most stable release.
Version 4.07.4 is a beta release that adds the ability to play across multiple cities, visit the White House, and assassinate the President if you so wish.
LCS R855 is an "Unofficial" release by scrdest. It adds gameplay tweaks, music, and graphical enhancements such as more colors(Damaged clothes are colored yellow, bloody clothes are highlighted, seduction lines have a wider range of colors, etc) and enhanced ASCII Art for some of the newspaper stories. It also has an unfinished version of the Stalinist Comrade Squad. This is the version of LCS I personally recommend.
The Nightly Version of LCS is the most up to date, but it requires you to compile it yourself. Contains the "augmentations" feature, gameplay tweaks, and bug fixes.


Other things about LCS
-Theres a wiki for all information about LCS. There is also a Tv Tropes Page.
-If Free Speech Laws go Arch-Conservative, all swearing is replaced with Conservative Politically Correct substitutes.
-Earlier versions of LCS let you seduce dogs, genetic abominations, and tanks. This bug was soon patched.
-Theres a "Nightmare Mode" difficulty where the US is a hellish dystopia where Death Squad officers patrol the streets executing all criminals on the spot, Firefighters are Firemen that suppress free speech with flamethrowers, the CIA is the Ministry of Love, Prisons are Reeducation Facilities and forced labor camps...
-If the Death Penalty goes Arch-Conservative, Liberals are executed with cruel and unusual punishments.
-Liberal Crime Squad is based off of the Symbionese Liberation Army.
-There is a lot more to LCS than meets the eye at first glance. You just have to find it. Or look it up on the wiki.

This should do for the OP. I'll probably add more to it later.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2015, 09:03:29 PM by tber123 »

its good to see we've started making non-fiction games again

its good to see we've started making non-fiction games again
Lol this game is like 10 years old.

Nothin' like starting up a socialist harem of Starbucks wenches to raise money for the liberal cause.

Nothin' like starting up a socialist harem of Starbucks wenches to raise money for the liberal cause.


Lol this game is like 10 years old.

Nothin' like starting up a socialist harem of Starbucks wenches to raise money for the liberal cause.

What about:

-A socialist harem of Hippies with 10+ skill in Music and arming them with Guitars to make even Deathsquad Officers turn Liberal
-A squad of six Liberals with Kung Fu skills stealth killing everyone with their bare hands
-A squad of violent sociopaths running around massacring Conservative Security Guards to SWAT Officers to US Army Soldiers to the godamn President himself with M249's
-Brainwashing Conservatives by forcing them to watch Bible Black and making them play violent videogames
-Beating someone with cardboard cutouts of Ronald Reagan
-Breaking into a Genetics Lab, freeing the Abominations, and using them as target practice for grinding skills
-Setting up your own propaganda truth-telling and eye-opening newspaper called the Liberal Guardian
« Last Edit: August 30, 2015, 02:03:22 AM by tber123 »

Some more screenshots of LCS gameplay:

Kidnapping a Redneck

Getting brainwashed by Conservative Wisdom

Bad pickup lines and what happens if you try to seduce a dog

Datenapping and threatening hostages

Interrogation and the intro screen

Holy stuff this game looks awesome.

Finally got around to defeating the Conservative Crime Squad by sending the A-Team in to kick down the doors and gun down every CCS Member with M16's.

I can't get past being a small group of handicaps

and then tagging everything up.

I can't get past being a small group of handicaps

and then tagging everything up.

search opinion polls and hit places that are relevant to the people's interest

search opinion polls and hit places that are relevant to the people's interest

Opinion polls are biased and incorrect the lower the Computers skill of the liberal searching it.

I can't get past being a small group of handicaps

and then tagging everything up.

Some protips:

1)The Police Station can be shut down if you kill enough cops, meaning no more raids.

2)Martial Arts is good for stealth killing if you kill in one hit with a high enough skill. If a Liberal is cornered by Rednecks while doing Liberal Disobedience, he can beat the stuff out of everyone that gets close if he has Martial Arts.
3)Knives are also good for stealth killing, but unlike Martial Arts they arouse suspicion.

4)You'll need Seduction for new recruits or datenapping and brainwashing conservatives(Bring a gun to a date, it works better). To brainwash effectively, have everyone but the guy with the highest Psychology beat the crap out of the Conservative until his wisdom is low enough(usually at 1, but it caps at 6/7/etc for others). After he's been broken, send the Psychologist in with expensive props and you'll have a Enlightened Conservative in no time.
5)Make sure at least SOMEONE has some skill in First Aid before you drug a Conservative in an interrogation, otherwise your Liberal might accidentally overdose him and not know how to revive him.

6)Sleeper CEO's can embezzle a crapton of money if you can successfully datenap and brainwash them. Sleeper Radio Personalities/Cable News Anchors are great for influencing opinion.
7)Sleeper CCS Officers(Lieutenant/Founder/Boss) can leak the CCS Backers List to you. Publish that with the Liberal Guardian and the CCS will be shut down within 6 months after.
8)If they can't find you, they can't raid you. The CCS and every other faction except Firemen only raid locations with heat.
9)You absolutely need a Printing Press so you can publish special editions once a month. Special Editions can be published if you find sensitive documents like Prison Records, Secret Documents, CEO Tax Papers, CEO Love Letters, etc.

10)The first CCS Safehouse(Desert Eagle Bar and Grill) can be used to farm Sleepers if your seducer has either Stealth or Disguise so s/he can sneak her/his way to the CCS Boss, seduce him, and datenap him. Beware that if you do attack the Desert Eagle Bar and Grill and don't finish the job, any sleepers at the CCS Safehouse will be flushed into the open by your attack and forced into joining the LCS.
11)You can constantly hit and run the Cable/AM stations with Stealth or Disguise and they won't shut down. Sneak your way to the Stage/Microphone, take control of the broadcast, and sneak or bluff(disguise skill) everyone as you rush to the exit.
12)The same thing works for the Nuclear Power Plant. Get a Lab Coat, sneak/disguise your way to the Big Red Button, and push it(assuming you have the Science skill) before rushing to the exit and bluffing/sneaking past encounters.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2015, 10:33:25 AM by tber123 »

Opinion polls are biased and incorrect the lower the Computers skill of the liberal searching it.

computer skill is the first thing I level up B^)