Author Topic: Please stop making "petitions" over bans/key revokes.  (Read 2429 times)
Clubstep's been a pretty freakish guy lately, and he started talking about warez in one topic. He also threatened to steal my license key and get myself banned from every server. Well guess what? I can't put up with him anymore.
Clubstep has a ton of dramas. I don't even know how many. Search his name in 'Drama' and you'll see.
I joined his freebuild today, and then whilst I was loading, he banned me.

"The server has dropped the connection.

You were banned for -1 minutes by Clubstep.

Reason: poor sport"

He's been banned from a lot of servers today, which shows just how much of a pain he is.

Please support, we can't take him anymore, and we've never had anyone so childish and immature before.

/thread. Im not going to make an op explaining why because im on my phone and we all know whats wrong with clubstep

Look, I know this drama isn't about badmins or trolls or anything like that, and you may post down below that this belongs in another category, but I am just straight up, 101% pissed off about this.
A lot of you have already read the drama post about Silleb, City, and Cool Blockhead loveually Harassing Sugar. (If you didn't, here's the post. )
In case you don't know, Sugar has autism, which is defined as "A serious developmental disorder that impairs the ability to communicate and interact." She doesn't have many friends in the community except for those who realize and accept her disorder. In my opinion, these 3 jerk offs harassing her like this shouldn't be tolerated.
Now, while I do realize that Sugar can be annoying as all hell sometimes, she really can't help it nor does she realize it.
Now, I know my history of making dramas hasn't been completely spot-on, and I do get a lot of heat. But I just hope you guys (The community on the forums) will hear me out this one time.

Vote your opinions on these 3 complete loving idiots getting revoked keys/IP bans below.

Thank you for your time.

I'm not saying that I agree or disagree with the recent petitions, but making "votes" or "elections" over who/what should be banned is silly, especially when it's usually over something like "he banned me" or "he was mean to me".

man all these petitions may need a petition to stop petitions

notice how in every single, "petition to ban" thread, none of the people petitioned against were banned.

petition to revoke setgaming's key

petition to revoke setgaming's key

get out

/support, petition-making starfishs who want people to get banned are stuffheads

notice how in every single, "petition to ban" thread, none of the people petitioned against were banned.

That's the point I'm making - it's a waste of time and space.

/support. There are no petitions that actually make sense for them to get revoked. And that a little sad to be honest.

why dont we make a petition about it

That's pretty much what made me think about it - while Clubstep is a total joke, he's not worth a revoke.

The only real peition that ever existed, was more of a poll. And it was created by badspot about bones.

a petition to end all petitions

we shall name it 'Petition to End All Petitions' and see how it goes

OT: the petition to get someone banned is getting old and dumb imo, so /support