Author Topic: Happy Programmer's day!  (Read 1822 times)

I like lua but it's kinda freaky. I would probably use moonscript if I was actually going to use it for anything

I would probably maybe use MoonScript if it wasn't for all the \ and ! stuff.

echo yay
pause >nul
goto blocklandforums

python is really annoying, but that's just me

also it's national grandparents day

there's so much wrong with this holy stuff
It compiles and runs. Shut up.

It compiles and runs. Shut up.

"include<...>" compiles? Pointer address comparison as string comparison?? What is this crazy compiler?!

turboC is old and obsolete

It's pie crust: anything he own is from the 90s lol

It's pie crust: anything he own is from the 90s lol

it's argentina after all

TurboC is fun to play with especially if you have an old computer with stuff you don't mind messing with.

#include <stdio.h>                                                //Must have # as it's a precompiler instruction; must use stdio.h for printf, not stdlib.h

int main (int argc, char *argv[])                             //Better to stick to standards; this will give you a "string" (and the number of inputs, which is irrelevant but w/e)
    if(argv[1] == "-flame-")                                    //This I'm not sure on since I haven't done char comparisons in years, but I think it works
        printf("I fixed your goddam program.\n");      //The forget was with the ","" stuff?

    return 0;                                                        //In C, generally good to return an error index. Also, closing curly brace doesn't have a semi-colon? The forget?
It's been a long time since I touched C, but I think that's it.

That said, I don't know what TurboC is so I'm probably grasping at straws.