Author Topic: Sam the Stickman - A 3D adventure.  (Read 3213 times)

You're asleep.

>input command

« Last Edit: September 22, 2015, 06:07:20 AM by Klocko¹ »

Up you go. What's your name?
>input command
« Last Edit: September 21, 2015, 09:36:34 PM by Klocko¹ »

>Sam Stickman

Yes, that's your name! Sam! Here's your room.
>input command

Get on the computer and browse the Nightmare Fuel pages of Tv Tropes

Get on the computer and browse the Nightmare Fuel pages of Tv Tropes

You don't have an internet connection.
>input command

Look around for your router

You don't have a router. Also, you feel a tingle...
>input command

Grab the spider thingy and kill it

You panic and attempt to grab the spider. The spider slips and falls to it's death. The light is starting to wobble!
>input command

Use the fact you're a drawing to your advantage and turn into a bigger spider and eat the tiny spider.

and then eat your bed or something

Use the fact you're a drawing to your advantage and turn into a bigger spider and eat the tiny spider.

Never doing that again.

call up a random internet service and ask them to install internet.