Author Topic: open letter to facechild  (Read 18592 times)

« Last Edit: September 27, 2015, 03:40:26 PM by Rabbot32 »

bones'/facechild's schemes in a nutshell:

I'm going to mail you a penny in an envelope. Then the next day I'll mail 2 pennies. I'll keep adding a penny every day until it gets to be a handicapped amount of pennies. Like the envelope can barely hold them. Eventually you're gonna have all these goddamn pennies you won't know what to do with. You'll start with a cup of pennies and then graduate to a milk jug. After a while you'll give up on child's play and move on to something like one of those bigass plastic storage containers. But even that won't be enough. I'm not sending the pennies in envelopes anymore. I'm sending them in packages. This takes a stuffton of money to ship because it's loving heavy. You'll keep getting packages of pennies day after day. You will eventually have an entire room set aside just to put pennies in. One day you'll get fed up and take them to coin star or something. But by then it will be too late. It doesn't matter anyway. I'll still be sending more pennies than you can get rid of.
you'll try to throw them away. You won't give a stuff. The garbage won't take them though because they're too loving heavy. Your life will become pennies. You will dream about pennies. You'll dread going home. But it won't stop there. I'll start leaving them in your car too. They'll pile up endlessly and there's nothing you can do about it.
At some point you'll give up on your house and try to move in with a friend so you can finally be free from the copper hell. But oh no! stuff's forget up in there too! Pennies are already there. He doesn't know why, but it doesn't matter. You do. This will inevitably lead to you being homeless because you will have literally exhausted any means of escaping this shiny nightmare. You'll be asleep on the streets one night. You'll be awoken suddenly by a jingling sound. "Oh no!" you think. You know what it is. You open your eyes and see me. I'm standing in front of you. I just dropped a large sack of pennies.

I have just spent my entire life savings making your life miserable, you piece of stuff.

I literally laughed so hard I began to cry. This thread is loving priceless.

i feel like nitro circus appeals more to a professional stunt audience rather than just a pure stunt audience. i watched CKY2K when i was 14 and there's nothing pro about that aside from the skating, but there's a charm to people just doing dumb things, but nitro circus is much more professional and honestly far more dangerous. that being said, i honestly would rather watch jackass than nitro circus, cus it's much more charming. i'm just tired of people equating the two as if they're the same show. RIP ryan dunn.
to be honest i feel like strong spirit deserved the nerf; it was super op when combined with either second stomach or rabbit paw, and with both you became unstoppable. maybe now people will take other mutations when given the choice, but the problem that arises now is that scarier face becomes the best mutation, and so its effectiveness may be lowered in future updates.

I sent this to a bunch of my friends and I'm getting some pretty funny responses back

this thread was a mistake. facechild is a mistake

if I had a time machine with only one use, I would go back to 1999 when he was about to take a stuff at school one day and steal the toilet paper from the bathroom. He'll have to EXTREMELY poop and there won't be any ass paper for miles. He'll get extremely bottom heavy but be too afraid to go. I'll be laughing with joe from the janitor's closet and we'll actually become pretty good pals. He'll invite me over for dinner with his 8 dogs and ferret. It won't taste very good, but I'll eat it anyway because I'm being polite. We'll talk about his years training to become a firetruck (what?) and how he could never hold enough water to get the job. I'll grow old with him as a good friend and we'll golf sometimes, but he doesn't use a club since he doesn't have hands (lost them to the ferret RIP) so he'll just kick the ball around. I'll laugh with him and slip him back into his straight jacket and deliver him home to "aun't mom's mental help place." I'll get a call from the loony bin one morning and they'll tell me he's on his deathbed. But he was dead by the time I arrive. I walk in an he's holding a photo of us together from where we went go cart racing in disney. But he didn't have legs then so he just rolls around on the track. But anyway, I'll be super sad and stuff. I'll miss my friend. I'll never forget him. I'll soon by on me deathbed and I'll remember all the times we had together (especially the time we shot paintball guns at the neighbors ever time they had dinner). Life was pretty good.

but anyway that little cunt facechild had to walk around with a stuffty starfish that day

this thread was a mistake. facechild is a mistake

if I had a time machine with only one use, I would go back to 1999 when he was about to take a stuff at school one day and steal the toilet paper from the bathroom. He'll have to EXTREMELY poop and there won't be any ass paper for miles. He'll get extremely bottom heavy but be too afraid to go. I'll be laughing with joe from the janitor's closet and we'll actually become pretty good pals. He'll invite me over for dinner with his 8 dogs and ferret. It won't taste very good, but I'll eat it anyway because I'm being polite. We'll talk about his years training to become a firetruck (what?) and how he could never hold enough water to get the job. I'll grow old with him as a good friend and we'll golf sometimes, but he doesn't use a club since he doesn't have hands (lost them to the ferret RIP) so he'll just kick the ball around. I'll laugh with him and slip him back into his straight jacket and deliver him home to "aun't mom's mental help place." I'll get a call from the loony bin one morning and they'll tell me he's on his deathbed. But he was dead by the time I arrive. I walk in an he's holding a photo of us together from where we went go cart racing in disney. But he didn't have legs then so he just rolls around on the track. But anyway, I'll be super sad and stuff. I'll miss my friend. I'll never forget him. I'll soon by on me deathbed and I'll remember all the times we had together (especially the time we shot paintball guns at the neighbors ever time they had dinner). Life was pretty good.

but anyway that little cunt facechild had to walk around with a stuffty starfish that day
What a guy.

well great, now im all sad

You have got too far you twatbubble.

BONES! I am going to eat like 7 hot peppers andplug up my own starfish. then i will drink 41 gallons of milk, and a buch of stuffty taco bell, next i will loving eat a live chicken, beak and all. i will then let that gestate in my colon for approximately 5 months, it will be painfull and i might die but it will be worth it, after 5 months i will uncork my buttlips and let the nasty soupy mess flow into a series of funnels and tubes. during the 5 months i was bulding a pipeline that goes all the way to northsouth dookie town or whatever your stuff state is. it will pipe directly into your dorm house or whatever. and you will drown in my frothy soupy stuff mixture. YOU WILL BE DEAD because you drowned in my starfish sausage chocolate goo stew.

forget you very much.