Author Topic: Night Thread v2 - Night 19  (Read 15689 times)

oh i see

i still use my like $200 crappy netbook lol

I'm bad with computer terms and talking about computers in general so hopefully I say something that is understood:

750GB hard drive (was considering a cheaper one with 1TB but it had a slower processor)
2.2GHz AMD "Radeon 7310?" processor (good chance I'm not right here)

Night 10 30 minute late

It didn't rain today.

I have a four-day weekend this week, and I have no idea how to spend it. Any ideas?

There are a ton of games in my steam account that I haven't played yet, but I also have things like modded minecraft worlds I should probably do some progress in.

Let's all go out for some chocolate frosties!

Prison architect really kept me up all night... whoops?

getting homework done
as per the usual time

getting homework done
as per the usual time
forget thanks for reminding me

I just got done studying for 4 hours now I'm stoned. Not a bad way to end the night.

just finished a biomolecules project. now i gotta read a loving book for a test tomorrow forget

Currently listening to this
if anyone wants to start from where I am click here
It's Alex Hirsch at the Amazing Houston Comic Con

no homework for the first time in like a month, spent playing my ps vita

our teachers at my school tend to give like an hour of homework each, it sucks

I'm getting tired, still waiting for one of my friends in Arizona to get on and talk to me.

I am new to this night thread thing.

Do we just talk about homework and being tired?