
Do HIGH ROLLERS (Pass or Fail or Blockade Blasters)-ish thread now or later (Option 1 wins. This thread is now on hold.)

Put this current thread on hold and just do it.
4 (66.7%)
Finish this thread first and keep your track record of actually finishing your stuff most of the time
2 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 6

Author Topic: The Deal [Hiatus]  (Read 12022 times)

Jump out of the car, reload the whole game (keep the dlcs, this should stop the corruption) and come back unscathed

Jump out of the car, reload the whole game (keep the dlcs, this should stop the corruption) and come back unscathed

You reload back to the very beginning of the game, but someone warps reality and sends you back to where you were before. Welp!

Become a tree.


Become one with the void and break the 4th wall

You defiantly swing your baton at the hole as you leap into it! A white flash of light consumes you....

BEHOLD! Poorly photoshopped cowboy hat because I can't draw cowboy hats!

....And you stand in a white void with a group of men.

"Okay, now I'll stop loving with you." The black guy approaches you. "So YOU'RE the new Protagonist?" He pauses. "Let me introduce you to who we are. You might not recognize us, but these fourmers will."

"Sven Svenson. From a humble beginning to a God that can warp reality itself. These two are Only Sane Man and The Gunslinger. I'd bring my cat Kiss-Kiss and my Vice-President Dunkey along with me to the void, but they're currently in a Space Crackhouse and enjoying themselves."

You have no idea what the hell this guy is talking about. He keeps rambling on and on about how he saw a library get set on fire, almost killing Vladimir Putin, getting kicked to the moon by Joseph Stalin in an alternate universe Communist America, and so on. You stop paying attention halfway through and come to right as he finishes talking.

"....Anyways, I'm getting kinda sidetracked here. Point is, you should stop hacking and play fairly. Now BEGONE!"

Sven Svenson teleports in Traitor Joe, who plays a GODLY entrepreneur  SAXOPHONE as Only Sane Man, Sven Svenson and The Gunslinger walk up to John McClass!

"Uh... Whats going on her---" You manage to start, before suddenly feeling three feet at once pummeling your groin.

Sven Svenson, The Gunslinger, and Only Sane Man suddenly kick John McClass, punting him out of the void and into reality itself! John McClass goes hurtling past the Earth straight into the moon, where he smashes his head against it---


When you awake, you are slumped against the steering wheel of a Taxi. Oddly enough, the entire "Reality being corroded" ordeal felt like a dream. Now, wasn't there something to retrieve on the other side of the city at the Docks?

Tranquilizer Rifle 3/3 (Put people or elephants to sleep)
Rainbow Sword (Pretty and shiny. Also good for stabbing)
entrepreneur  Staff (Unleash your inner Svenson)
Sawn-Off Shotgun 2/2
Taser Shotgun 6/6 (Extended Range Brutality)
BLOODLUST Lever Action .44 1/8 (Weapon of choice.)
Tranquilizer Pistol 5/5 (Works best on limbs or the neck)
Secretly Sharpened Pen (Opens up letters, cans, and throats alike)
Taser 1/1 (Portable Police Brutality Package.)
Pepper Spray 10/10 (Perfect for brutalizing protesters.)
Stun Gun (Apply directly to skin.)
Flashbang x7 (Blind and disorient people. Might cause burns and set things on fire.)
Stinger Grenade x3 (Causes EXTREME pain and disorientation, might kill)
Pepperball 10/20 (Shoots modified paintballs for quick KOs)
Collapsible Baton (Symbol of oppression.)
Violin Case (Something heavy is inside this)
Your own wallet($500 for bribin' and buyin')
Pink Suit/Tie [llllllllll]
Fancy Suit w/ Concealed Armor (Stops shotguns, most pistols/SMGs) [lllll-----]
Plastic Bag (Carry groceries or suffocate some unlucky bastard.)
Purple Handcuffs
Roll of Tape
Scribbled piece of paper
Shotgun Shell: 1
.44: 4
Tranq Dart: 4
Taser Cartridge: 3
Taser Shell: 6
Pepper Spray: 14
Pepperball: 10

Overall Health: HEALTHY Blood: [[█████]]
Head: HEALTHY [[█████]] Torso: HEALTHY [[█████]]
Left Arm: HEALTHY [[█████]] Right Arm: HEALTHY [[█████]]
Left Leg: HEALTHY [[█████]] Right Leg: HEALTHY [[█████]]
« Last Edit: October 28, 2015, 09:48:26 PM by tber123 »

rape someone

Your ethical and moral values prevent you from committing that heinous crime.

Your ethical and moral values prevent you from committing that heinous crime.
Are you serious
We killed multiple people. Like, rape is also morally wrong, but so is murder.
Drive the taxi into the bank and stab yourself.

Are you serious
We killed multiple people. Like, rape is also morally wrong, but so is murder.
Drive the taxi into the bank and stab yourself.

Actually so far the Protag has mostly been a pacifist unless you count the first playthrough

You crash the Taxi before fatally stabbing yourself.

Reloading autosave...

Look for jobs to do.

You drive the taxi to the Docks to retrieve the Golden entrepreneur  Staff. As you exit the vehicle, you see a few workers milling about and a lone security guard having a sandwich in the corner.

Tranquilizer Rifle 3/3 (Put people or elephants to sleep)
Rainbow Sword (Pretty and shiny. Also good for stabbing)
entrepreneur  Staff (Unleash your inner Svenson)
Sawn-Off Shotgun 2/2
Taser Shotgun 6/6 (Extended Range Brutality)
BLOODLUST Lever Action .44 1/8 (Weapon of choice.)
Tranquilizer Pistol 5/5 (Works best on limbs or the neck)
Secretly Sharpened Pen (Opens up letters, cans, and throats alike)
Taser 1/1 (Portable Police Brutality Package.)
Pepper Spray 10/10 (Perfect for brutalizing protesters.)
Stun Gun (Apply directly to skin.)
Flashbang x7 (Blind and disorient people. Might cause burns and set things on fire.)
Stinger Grenade x3 (Causes EXTREME pain and disorientation, might kill)
Pepperball 10/20 (Shoots modified paintballs for quick KOs)
Collapsible Baton (Symbol of oppression.)
Violin Case (Something heavy is inside this)
Your own wallet($500 for bribin' and buyin')
Pink Suit/Tie [llllllllll]
Fancy Suit w/ Concealed Armor (Stops shotguns, most pistols/SMGs) [lllll-----]
Plastic Bag (Carry groceries or suffocate some unlucky bastard.)
Purple Handcuffs
Roll of Tape
Scribbled piece of paper
Shotgun Shell: 1
.44: 4
Tranq Dart: 4
Taser Cartridge: 3
Taser Shell: 6
Pepper Spray: 14
Pepperball: 10

Overall Health: HEALTHY Blood: [[█████]]
Head: HEALTHY [[█████]] Torso: HEALTHY [[█████]]
Left Arm: HEALTHY [[█████]] Right Arm: HEALTHY [[█████]]
Left Leg: HEALTHY [[█████]] Right Leg: HEALTHY [[█████]]

Take the entrepreneur  staff and run

forget those spirits we saw earlier, let's destroy this reality.

our genocide crusade begins here.

Take the entrepreneur  staff and run

You discreetly search around the Docks and discover the GOLDEN entrepreneur  Staff in the Manager's Office. As you turn around to leave, the Manager confronts you...

forget those spirits we saw earlier, let's destroy this reality.

our genocide crusade begins here.
John McClass starts off the Genocide Crusade by firing the BLOODLUST Lever Action at The Manager, hitting the throat BLOWING A HOLE INTO IT!
The Manager spurts blood out the hole in his neck and pisses on the floor.
John McClass reloads the Lever Action.

Nearby Workers begin screaming and calling for reinforcements! Some of them toss away their Reflective Vests and pull out Machine Pistols, intending to stop you from going any further!

Heroic Vigilante armed with .45 Machine Pistol, Hard Hat
Heroic Vigilante armed with 9x18 Machine Pistol, Hard Hat
Heroic Vigilante armed with 9x18 Machine Pistol, Hard Hat
Heroic Vigilante armed with 9mm Machine Pistol, Hard Hat
Security Guard armed with 7.92x24mm PDW, Light Armor

Tranquilizer Rifle 3/3 (Put people or elephants to sleep)
Rainbow Sword (Pretty and shiny. Also good for stabbing)
entrepreneur  Staff (Unleash your inner Svenson)
GOLDEN entrepreneur  Staff (MISSION CRITICAL)
Sawn-Off Shotgun 2/2
Taser Shotgun 6/6 (Extended Range Brutality)
BLOODLUST Lever Action .44 4/8 (Weapon of choice.)
Tranquilizer Pistol 5/5 (Works best on limbs or the neck)
Secretly Sharpened Pen (Opens up letters, cans, and throats alike)
Taser 1/1 (Portable Police Brutality Package.)
Pepper Spray 10/10 (Perfect for brutalizing protesters.)
Stun Gun (Apply directly to skin.)
Flashbang x7 (Blind and disorient people. Might cause burns and set things on fire.)
Stinger Grenade x3 (Causes EXTREME pain and disorientation, might kill)
Pepperball 10/20 (Shoots modified paintballs for quick KOs)
Collapsible Baton (Symbol of oppression.)
Violin Case (Something heavy is inside this)
Your own wallet($500 for bribin' and buyin')
Pink Suit/Tie [llllllllll]
Fancy Suit w/ Concealed Armor (Stops shotguns, most pistols/SMGs) [lllll-----]
Plastic Bag (Carry groceries or suffocate some unlucky bastard.)
Purple Handcuffs
Roll of Tape
Scribbled piece of paper
Shotgun Shell: 1
Tranq Dart: 4
Taser Cartridge: 3
Taser Shell: 6
Pepper Spray: 14
Pepperball: 10

Overall Health: HEALTHY Blood: [[█████]]
Head: HEALTHY [[█████]] Torso: HEALTHY [[█████]]
Left Arm: HEALTHY [[█████]] Right Arm: HEALTHY [[█████]]
Left Leg: HEALTHY [[█████]] Right Leg: HEALTHY [[█████]]
« Last Edit: October 29, 2015, 09:25:53 PM by tber123 »

Hack into the universe. Upload viruses to all humans on earth except yourself.

spawn cringy music bombs
then set the timer to 0:10
proceed to hotline everyone
press r to restarte ex dee

Use Derail_BLOODLUST.exe and unleash piss-universe