Author Topic: Resolute Gamer, absurd accusations, incredibly salty about the past[photo heavy]  (Read 3400 times)

Resolute Gamer, formally known as Trudermark, is an admin on a town rp that I was playing on.

If you wish to know the original backstory, here it is-
he used to host a town rp, which I was a trusted and reasonable admin on. I was trying to recolor a fence at my house with the fill can, when, little did I know, it happened to be the same shade of black that the road it was vaguely connected to was, so, being the stupid ass physics they were, it colored the entire god damn road, along with the 7/11 it was semi-connected to, a lighter shade of black. He then got extremely butthurt and commanded at me to fix the road (which, if I had noticed sooner, I would have done.). Very annoyingly and coincidentally, my blockland crashed as I was attempting to fix the accidental mess I had caused, and as I got back on, I state that it had crashed and I wasn't just "skimping out", but the thick-skulled dumb forget refused to listen and decided to perm ban me.

So there's the first sob story.

He is now an admin on a different server (not going to state the host's name, because I don't want to bash the host, just this forgethead), and, after accusing me of being a hacker, claims to know me personally, and then tell me how in "just one word".

Long story short, this forget perm bans me with the reason being "-Trudermark-".

Let me say this. There is no reason to be extremely salty over you being extremely salty in the past over something that should be obvious was NOT intentional. The fact that he had the nerve to 1) ban me (unreasonably) in the first place (by the way, I hope you had fun fixing the road and 7/11 I was going to finish fixing for you. Unless you just gave up, because no one liked your server due to the fact that you're a stuffty host, Truder) is just very stuffty of you (I use that word a lot. Sue me.), and 2) the fact that you would make someone else's server look bad by unreasonably banning someone over something that happened over a year ago on a server that wasn't even theirs goes to show how well you can admin. Way to go, dumb forget.

Here's pics.

New to foruming (or, at least, I haven't done it in a while), so sorry if the quality of the photos is (here I go again with the word choice) stuffty. Anyway, here's the rest of the photos. Enjoy the view.

Knew I should have stuck to Skryim. Online gaming is stuff these days.

stuff - 4
forget - 4
ass - 1
damn - 1


this guy seems like quite a starfish.

/support, however

Knew I should have stuck to Skryim. Online gaming is stuff these days.


In the future, please try to get the BL_ID of those you're making drama topics about.

thanks xalos.

yeah these prodigy guys are no good. just young morons spreading idiocy around the community and not keeping it in the places they belong.

Hello, it is me, TheSunnyCat, owner of this RP. I apologize greatly for the trouble Resolute has created. I had not known he was going to do that, so I gave him a little chat about what he has done. If you care about the server anymore, I have unbanned you, so if you get the chance, you are able to play again. The next problem Resolute causes will be a demotion for him. Thank you for the advice on how to improve my sever.

Best wishes,

And please, next time, just don't create a drama topic. I find it extremely obnoxious and unnecessary. Next time just talk with the person and they would probably fix it if you had a problem.

Thank you,

Please do not sign your posts

This name is different then my actual IGN, deal with it.

no, signing your name makes you looks stupid and unnecessary

Hello, it is me, TheSunnyCat, owner of this RP. I apologize greatly for the trouble Resolute has created. I had not known he was going to do that, so I gave him a little chat about what he has done. If you care about the server anymore, I have unbanned you, so if you get the chance, you are able to play again. The next problem Resolute causes will be a demotion for him. Thank you for the advice on how to improve my sever.
Given the history of Prodigy LSD (now Resolute) you'd be better of getting rid of him now. He is a career troll, that's all he does.