Author Topic: My Little Pony is too edgy for SU fans and Social Justice Wankers  (Read 4188 times)

this post is awful
why? every thread like this is exactly the same. and it is undeniably a circlejerk. it could even be argued that it's a weird, corrupted hugbox

why? every thread like this is exactly the same. and it is undeniably a circlejerk. it could even be argued that it's a weird, corrupted hugbox
But the point of the thread was just to laugh at how absurd it is.

why? every thread like this is exactly the same. and it is undeniably a circlejerk. it could even be argued that it's a weird, corrupted hugbox

if it's a circlejerk hugbox that makes fun of stupider circlejerk hugboxes, I'm fine with that.

why? every thread like this is exactly the same. and it is undeniably a circlejerk. it could even be argued that it's a weird, corrupted hugbox
the opposition merely brings inflammatory remarks and drive by stuffposting. if you truly wanted to try to change anything here you would at least present a point. the point may not change the minds of a bunch of people you consider part of this "weird, corrupted hugbox" but it may be judged correct from an outsider perspective and enough people would put peer pressure on the circlejerkees for them to either leave well enough alone or reexamine themselves. what you seem to want is a discussion where everyone automatically is in the know about your beliefs on social justice and does everything in their power to not overstep your opinion lines. which sounds more like a hugbox. 

i don't like any fandom, not even of the shows/games/comics/whatever i actually like, because they always overbrown townyze every single thing

"wow this character did something out of the ordinary! she's probably autistic and has 63 other disabilities that 99% of the general public doesn't even know about"

"wow this female character has a healthy friendly relationship with another female! they're sooooo lesbian lmao and if you say otherwise you're stupid"

also when any fandom loses their stuff over basic storystelling and basic character emotions like it's absolutely revolutionary. all of these things only matter to me when it's shoved down my throat by multiple people, which happened a lot with SU about 5 months ago, and now it's undertale

if ur fandom involves being a handicap making weird assumptions of the show and following terrible social values than its enough to want me away from it forever

cause then weird stuff happens like SU and MLP.

i miss samurai jack
It had more better filler episodes than steven universe and was way cooler than some stupid rainbow horses.

the opposition merely brings inflammatory remarks and drive by stuffposting. if you truly wanted to try to change anything here you would at least present a point. the point may not change the minds of a bunch of people you consider part of this "weird, corrupted hugbox" but it may be judged correct from an outsider perspective
nothing I say is going to change any of your minds. I've talked about this stuff plenty of times along with several other people, it's pointless to keep doing it, and I'm not going to. if you end up in a close relationship with someone and that changes your mind about social issues, that's one thing, but some guy on a forum is unlikely to have any effect on you whatsoever. so it's just a waste of time to try
and enough people would put peer pressure on the circlejerkees for them to either leave well enough alone or reexamine themselves.
I don't understand what you're trying to say here
following terrible social values

nothing I say is going to change any of your minds.
Then what the forget are you doing here

because a kids show made fun of transgender people
I know that this is from a couple pages back but I must address this. They are not making fun of transgender people and anyone who thinks that is a complete dolt, I would write an essay to back this up or link examples but I know noone would bother to read/watch.

Then what the forget are you doing here
is this the important stuff you're focusing on?
They are not making fun of transgender people and anyone who thinks that is a complete dolt
explain how they are not

explain how they are not
Well for starters the story of the episode focuses on a competition exclusive to sisters. His younger sister was planning on participating with their other sister but she had important things to do. Little sister is devastated and big brother tries to cheer her up by pretending to be a girl so she can win.

It is also a part of his character to give no forgets about gender roles and was established long ago before this episode.

Well for starters the story of the episode focuses on a competition exclusive to sisters. His younger sister was planning on participating with their other sister but she had important things to do. Little sister is devastated and big brother tries to cheer her up by pretending to be a girl so she can win.
not only does this not make any sense, but it doesn't change the fact that they were making fun of transgender people either
It is also a part of his character to give no forgets about gender roles and was established long ago before this episode.
that also changes nothing

Cross dressing now means your trans?