
your thoughts?

1 (11.1%)
0 (0%)
no but it's the third option
8 (88.9%)

Total Members Voted: 9

Author Topic: should whites be taxed for being white?  (Read 156544 times)

let's fire this up again


i'd want to die while browsing the forums with an erection

if i were to die from something like cancer, i would probably dope myself up for the rest of my life and make sure to take daily doses of viagra

You know Male Ants die after they blow their load...

I think that's how we all want to go.

i want to be old when i die
and as far as i know old guys cant get erections
so no

auto erotic asphyxiation

i want to be old when i die
and as far as i know old guys cant get erections
so no


i want to be old when i die
and as far as i know old guys cant get erections
so no
well what if the kid next to you in your chemistry class pulls out a gun and shoots you while you are fantasizing over loving the girl with the fat ass that sits infront of you

you know guys, the poll is getting an erection