Author Topic: Make a Wish Ver. ∞  (Read 4871 times)

Granted, but you can only transform to those said animals when you're extremely loose.

I wish to be drunk without dying from alcohol poisoning. 

You get drunk with heart failure instead. GG

I wish for the MTT show to be a reality.

The MTT show being run by this guy:

Granted, but you will need to fight the host 24/7, 3 times a day. Eternally.

I wish to be admin.

granted, but almost all powers are revoked.

I wish to kill every fandom and anyone who likes them.

Granted, but new fandom a would appear in their place. Try killing creativity.

I wish for AI.

Terminator becomes real, and has love with The Matrix.

I wish to high five Badspot

granted but he tricks you into high-fiving his banhammer instead

i wish the universe ceases to exist

granted but he tricks you into high-fiving his banhammer instead
Worth it.
Skip me

Granted, but then the Ultiverse is invented.

I wish I could kill the angry sun from Super Mario Bros. 3.

Granted, but then the Ultiverse is invented.

I wish I could kill the angry sun from Super Mario Bros. 3.
granted but he comes back the next few screens and kills you

i wish for world peace

Granted, but it lasts a century.

I wish for someone to play soccer with me

granted, but it's your imaginary friend

i wish for free burritos

granted, but it's your imaginary friend

i wish for free burritos
Granted but the nearest bathroom is 400 miles away

I wish for a penny

granted, but its forged, you go to jail

i wish for a cool hat

granted, but its a fedora

i wish to take over blockland