Author Topic: Make a Wish Ver. ∞  (Read 4877 times)

Your wish is granted,even the genie is pissed at him.

I wish for Nut Armor.

Granted, but squirrels eat it instantly

I wish to not make a wish

Granted, but its immediately ungranted after it got granted.

I wish for a lightsaber knife.

You cannot control its heat and you burn your toast and melt your butter when five feet from each other.

I wish for help on my add-on pack IM DESPSRATE FOR A MODELER

Granted, but you don't get a modeler.

I wish for there to never be a useless nerf in a game ever again.

Granted, but there will be useless buffs.


Granted, but now planes are flying over your house

I wish that Fairy God Parents existed

Granted but Da Rules say that since your over 13 you can't have any.

I wish I had a real life blue shell like the one in Mario kart to use somewhere.

granted, but it hits you

i wish for humanity to go extinct

Granted, but before humanity went extinct humanity evolved into homohomosapiens, and only two people became extinct because they where too stupid to evolve.

I wish I had infinite dominos pizza.

but it's made of actual dominoes

i wish for another jewish holocaust

but it's made of actual dominoes

i wish for another jewish holocaust
granted but Riddler Self Deletes the first day

i wish for badspot to add maps back in a way that doesn't interfere with shaders or future updates
and it'll still look good

Granted but Da Rules say that since your over 13 you can't have any.
But I am 13, it says over 13

-skip me-

Granted, but your pc no longer works

I wish the cake was real

I wish the cake was real

Granted, But you may not see it or eat it.

I wish i wasn't lonely