

Continue HIGH ROLLERS (Are you serious)
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Author Topic: HIGH ROLLERS  (Read 13446 times)

Join the commentator table and talk about the fight.

Zharthon: AUTO-SUCCESS: Rolled a 10. Proceeding to exterminate AFKS.... You clothesline four AFKs out of the ring. The horde of spectators quickly devour them and harvest their organs to sell on the black market.
HULKHOGAN: Rolled a 7. SUCCESS! You grab TheEpicMan and perform a GTS for 1 DMG.
KidAlex90: Rolled a 5. NOTHING! You try to pistol whip a Space Commie, only to realize that he switched your gun for one made of foam.
Zoltan: Rolled a 1. forgetUP! You try to drop-kick Breadfish out of the ring, only for him to punch you square in the groin for 1 DMG.
TheEpicMan: Rolled a 3. MINOR FAILURE! HULKHOGAN takes off the jet-pack while in midair and lands on a soft pillow.
Glass Joe: Rolled a 6. MINOR SUCCESS! You grab Boris and use him as a human shield.
Legodude: Rolled a 9(Original roll: 11. Penalty:-2). SUCCESS! You join the commentator table and give a play-by-play of the fight.

Space Communist 4 rushes at The Murderous Cop and beans him with a pillow for 1 DMG!(Rolled a 6. Original roll, pre-penalty: 8).
Space Communist 5 throws a molotov roostertail down at his feet, catching Glass Joe in the blast radius along with himself! They both take 2 DMG! (Rolled an 11.)

SCENARIO 2: The Ring
Boris Proletariat - 10 HP

Space Communist1 - INCAPACITATED
Space Communist2 - INCAPACITATED
Space Communist3 - INCAPACITATED
Space Communist4 - 3HP ELIMINATED
Space Communist5 - 1HP
Space Communist6 - OVERKILLED

The Murderous Cop - 5 HP Co-referee
TheEpicMan - 2 HP
Cybertails - 4 HP
Legodude - 4 HP Eliminated but Alive
Zoltan - 2 HP
Glass Joe - 3 HP
Space1225 - 3 HP
Kidalex90 - 4 HP
Breadfish - 1 HP Eliminated but Alive
Cone² - 1 HP Eliminated but Alive
Thunderstrike - 0 HP Eliminated from the Ring, Incapacitated
Zharthon - 3 HP

No "Scratch what I suggested earlier" posts.
Roll Penalty for eliminated players: -2
Players may attempt a self revive for this scenario, but not in other scenarios.

Eliminated players can't jump back into the ring, but can still roll with a penalty.

Code: [Select]
0: Spectacular Failure With Injury and Chance of Death
1-2: forgetup With Injury
3-4: Minor Failure
5: Mixed Result (Pretty much nothing)
6-7: Slight Success
8-9: Success
10: Critical Success
11: Gone Horribly Right (AMAZING SUCCESS w/ Chance of Injury)
12: Really Pushing It (SPECTACULAR SUCCESS w/ Injury and Chance of Death)
Assisting adds +2 to a Roll and sacrifices your turn. Action Rolls are done for pretty much everything but reviving another dead player.

ok that's it.  i smash space commie 5's face in.

Commend Boris for potentially saving his life, and then go punch Space Commie 5 in the nards.

PLAYTIME is over.

Strap HULKHOGAN to a rocket ship and send it to the Andromeda galaxy.

i harvest the space communists organs and skin and use them to patch myself up

Quickly drink some cans of healing beer before theepicman can complete his turn

Keep in mind I'm hulk hogan
« Last Edit: November 23, 2015, 12:31:40 AM by randomtroll39 »

Quickly drink some cans of healing beer before theepicman can complete his turn

Keep in mind I'm hulk hogan
what happened to your other account at first I was like wtf who is this guy?

what happened to your other account at first I was like wtf who is this guy?
This was my first acc but I wanted to change my name so I used my alt key as my main (pc) and this is now my alt on the forums (mobile)

This was my first acc but I wanted to change my name so I used my alt key as my main (pc) and this is now my alt on the forums (mobile)
oh ok.

>Double-kick the remaining commie and literally ride him like a skateboard

rko cybertails and roll him outta the ring.

I will fall back off my chair due to the extreme amounts of action and excitement.

Kidalex: Rolled an 8. SUCCESS! You smash Space Commie 5's face in with his own gun, killing him.
Space: Rolled a 4. MINOR FAILURE! You attempt to summon a nuclear missile that will wipe out everyone else on the ring, but the Space Worker's Union notices a Filthy Capitalist Nuke and shoots it down with the power of Soviet Superscience!
Glass Joe: Rolled a 5. NOTHING! You commend Boris and attempt to punch Space Commie 5 in the nuts, only to realize he's already dead.
TheEpicMan: Rolled a 7. SLIGHT SUCCESS! You strap HULKHOGAN to a rocketship and watch him go flying into space. HULKHOGAN punches himself free of the restraints and falls back from space into the ring.
RandomTroll/HulkHogan: Rolled a 1. FAILURE! You swipe some healing beer from a nearby fan and drink it, only to realize that it tastes strongly of rat poison mixed with urine. You take 1 DMG and vomit all over the ring.
Cybertails: Rolled an 8. SUCCESS! You quickly leap into the air and kick Communist4 with both your feet, landing on him and riding him like a skateboard all over the ring.

Space Communist 4 runs away sobbing for mercy!

Zharthon: Rolled an 8. Again. SUCCESS! You RKO the stuff out of Cybertails for 2 DMG and roll him out of the ring like a carpet.
Legodude: Rolled a 7. (Original Roll: 9) SLIGHT SUCCESS! You try to fall off the back of your chair, but realize it's glued to the floor! After working on it with a toothpick, you eventually remove the glue and are able to fall from the chair.

Space Communist 1 crawls away whispering!
Space Communist 2 slowly drags herself out of the arena, trailing blood the whole way!
Space Communist 3 manages to gain the strength to stand up, and limps out of the arena!
Space Communist 5's corpse is seized by the mob of spectators and devoured for life energy!
Space Communist 6's corpse is grabbed by a magician and offered as a sacrifice to the Gods of Luck and Fate! Appeased by the sacrifice, the Gods of Luck and Fate decide to roll...

RNG God Roll: 9. GOOD!

Everyone is healed for 1 DMG.

SCENARIO 2: The Ring
Boris Proletariat - 11 HP

Space Communist6 - OVERKILLED

The Murderous Cop - 6 HP Co-referee
TheEpicMan - 3 HP
Cybertails - 3 HP Eliminated but Alive
Legodude - 5 HP Eliminated but Alive
Zoltan - 6 HP
Glass Joe - 4 HP
Space1225 - 4 HP
Kidalex90 - 5 HP
Breadfish - 2 HP Eliminated but Alive
Cone² - 2 HP Eliminated but Alive
Thunderstrike - 1 HPEliminated from the Ring
Zharthon - 5 HP

No "Scratch what I suggested earlier" posts.
Roll Penalty for eliminated players: -2
Players may attempt a self revive for this scenario, but not in other scenarios.

Eliminated players can't jump back into the ring, but can still roll with a penalty.

Code: [Select]
0: Spectacular Failure With Injury and Chance of Death
1-2: forgetup With Injury
3-4: Minor Failure
5: Mixed Result (Pretty much nothing)
6-7: Slight Success
8-9: Success
10: Critical Success
11: Gone Horribly Right (AMAZING SUCCESS w/ Chance of Injury)
12: Really Pushing It (SPECTACULAR SUCCESS w/ Injury and Chance of Death)
Assisting adds +2 to a Roll and sacrifices your turn. Action Rolls are done for pretty much everything but reviving another dead player.