Author Topic: why do i feel unhappy no matter what i do  (Read 5129 times)

At least op can see that his depression is self inflicted and implies hes respnsible for gettiing out, and THATS the advice hes askin for.
I can dig the first teenager thats not a dumb angsty bitch

The only way to get good at anything in general is practice. Practice practice practice.

I can dig the first teenager thats not a dumb angsty bitch
Yeah, good luck with that

just end your life

don't be like me though with 4 failed Self Delete attempts :^))
Misery enjoys company.

i'm actually not surprised you feel like that

maybe it's your stuff attitude towards everyone.

yeah, i'm sort of in the same boat as you.

my curriculum is totally irrelevant to what i plan out my life to be. i loving dread going to school because it's nothing but a semi-pointless, socially isolated place. mostly the socially isolated part.

i have acne that will not go away even after i've tried all the top of the line medications, i think it's due to stress or anxiety; i force myself to shower and stuff because i truthfully just don't give a forget anymore, it's not like anyone wants me; and my life is so goddamn boring. where's the excitement that a normal teen has? where's the social circles? where's the parties? wheres coming home at 10 after having fun all day? i want to get a job so at least i have something to say when my friends ask me "what did you do yesterday?" i normally just say "nothing much" because i don't want to tell them i sit on the computer all day in despair.

sorry i didn't mean to turn this into me, but my emotions just kind of came flooding through me. if i don't post this it won't make me feel any lighter.

Why? Because he asked a valid question?

You made a very immature comment. Their job is to try and help people, and they involve people because they want you to feel as though you have a support network you can access when you're not feeling so great.

If you've had a bad experience with a therapist, that's fair enough, but you can't judge every therapist off the back of one experience, and especially if it's not your experience.
Sorry had to.
Don't worry OP, things will get better.
You're not the only one that can't do what they wanna do, I wanna be a film director and only soon I will be able to study a little bit of film in High School. Just wait it out a little and go along with the bullstuff everyone else needs to deal with.

Don't worry OP, things will get better.

No. they will not necessary get better. stop telling these things. unless you're a magician or something and can see the future. this stuff never works, they will never do. If it gets better, good. If it doesn't, it's your fault.

No. they will not necessary get better. stop telling these things. unless you're a magician or something and can see the future. this stuff never works, they will never do. If it gets better, good. If it doesn't, it's your fault.
Okay furcigarette sorry for trying to boost up OP confidence.

No. they will not necessary get better. stop telling these things. unless you're a magician or something and can see the future. this stuff never works, they will never do. If it gets better, good. If it doesn't, it's your fault.
quit being a negative nancy

No. they will not necessary get better. stop telling these things. unless you're a magician or something and can see the future. this stuff never works, they will never do. If it gets better, good. If it doesn't, it's your fault.
This is the exact mindset that puts you in a position where things will never get better, and don't you shoot stuff at me because I loving know, I've had that god damn mindset and I have to work my ass off to not be a negative starfish all the time.

Okay furcigarette

really? don't you have an better argument?

sorry for trying to boost up OP confidence.

you're doing it wrong.

you're doing it wrong.
it's not like you're doing any better...

No. they will not necessary get better. stop telling these things. unless you're a magician or something and can see the future. this stuff never works, they will never do. If it gets better, good. If it doesn't, it's your fault.
diagnosed with depression because im edgy as forget and I can say this is partially true I guess