Author Topic: Anonymous has declared war on CIA  (Read 3777 times)

The nerderist no not nudist you sick f*cks

The nerderist no not nudist you sick f*cks
we weren't thinking nudists you assumption machine

"I'll ddos your washing machine"

Guys, they ended up actually doing stuff.
One day after declaring war on CIA members, Anonymous has already managed to take down over 3,800 Twitter accounts linked to various CIA members and associates.

oh no, now they cannot tweet. what a tragedy

I hope they leak nudes of CIA leaders.

oh no, now they cannot tweet. what a turning tide in the fighting

Plot twist! Anonymous is actually helping CIA.

There has been hundreds of idiot CIA members who end up getting bombed by a drone strike because the idiot forgot to put an encryption on whenever he goes to make a twitter post to brag about what he just did. With anonymous shutting down their twitter accounts they are actually saving CIA lives.


Plot twist! Anonymous is actually helping CIA.

There has been hundreds of idiot CIA members who end up getting bombed by a drone strike because the idiot forgot to put an encryption on whenever he goes to make a twitter post to brag about what he just did. With anonymous shutting down their twitter accounts they are actually saving CIA lives.

yeah wasn't there just that story about the CIA member taking a selfie and then a drone bombed the forget out of his compound

yeah wasn't there just that story about the CIA member taking a selfie and then a drone bombed the forget out of his compound

Yes however now that anonymous are taking down their twitter and facebook this won't happen again!

anonymous wont do nothing. they are just a bunch of fake people who take inspiration from guy Fawkes. then they will just threaten you to death.

anonymous wont do nothing. they are just a bunch of fake people who take inspiration from guy Fawkes. then they will just threaten you to death.
yeah no they've forgeted up some stuff before they do good stuff
you have no idea what you're talking about

Yes however now that anonymous are taking down their twitter and facebook this won't happen again!
To be fair CIA uses its Twitter and FB accounts to spread propaganda