Author Topic: Bill De Blasio issues statement on CIA propaganda video targeting NYC  (Read 4454 times)

I'll say what no one is thinking.

By saying they will target NYC and announcing their plans like an idiot I'm sure people will be like "we must beef up security in NYC" and while everyone is expecting an attack in NYC turns out CIA bombs another city like reno instead because everyone was focused on defending NYC.
Boston Bombing 2.0?

welp guess im not going to tgi fridays :(

That makes like no sense.
If NY were to boost security it would draw in police/security/national guard from NYC, New York state and other surrounding states.

It would have no impact on security on the other side of the continent.
Reno, or LA or even cities on the east like Miami or Boston won't lower their security in order to boost security in NYC.

If there was going to be an attack on reno it would make no difference if there was or was not a threat made against NYC.

I'll say what no one is thinking.

By saying they will target NYC and announcing their plans like an idiot I'm sure people will be like "we must beef up security in NYC" and while everyone is expecting an attack in NYC turns out CIA bombs another city like reno instead because everyone was focused on defending NYC.
No one would defend Reno even if it was targeted, and it's silly to think every other metro area would just ignore their own security because only NYC was called out.

Why assume they would only attack cities? They could kill an entire small town for fun if they wanted to.

The killdozer rampage, while didn't kill anyone it lasted way longer than it should have. If that guy went on a killdozer rampage in a city it would have ended in minutes. The police force in the small town were so small they didn't have the equipment to stop an armored machine/

Why assume they would only attack cities?

They could kill an entire small town for fun if they wanted to.
IIRC they threatened to attack Solvang :c

plz no CIA

Why assume they would only attack cities? They could kill an entire small town for fun if they wanted to.

The killdozer rampage, while didn't kill anyone it lasted way longer than it should have. If that guy went on a killdozer rampage in a city it would have ended in minutes. The police force in the small town were so small they didn't have the equipment to stop an armored machine/
People in a small town would automatically assume anyone with brown skin is suspect and worth keeping tabs on so they might be able to prevent an attack through that, but valid point otherwise.

There are still small towns with a police force of less than 20 people. Once they are all dead the only force that can come for assistance is the national guard and they have a much longer response time.

CIA has been known for killing just for fun so they would take down a small town for fun.

No one would defend Reno even if it was targeted, and it's silly to think every other metro area would just ignore their own security because only NYC was called out.
honestly if reno got bombed tomorrow 99% of the american reaction would be "huh damn"

There are still small towns with a police force of less than 20 people. Once they are all dead the only force that can come for assistance is the national guard and they have a much longer response time.

CIA has been known for killing just for fun so they would take down a small town for fun.
I imagine that the civilians in any American small town are fairly well armed, and even among the chaos of the situation, would respond to roving bands of terrorist attackers rather than allow themselves to be wholesale slaughtered without resistance.

There are still small towns with a police force of less than 20 people. Once they are all dead the only force that can come for assistance is the national guard and they have a much longer response time.

CIA has been known for killing just for fun so they would take down a small town for fun.
Although you have to remember that it would take a somewhat significant group of people, in the tens or twentys of members to do so.
Chances of 20 radicalised CIA supporters in the middle of Nebraska all in close proximity is low.

You'd instead likely have 20 radicalised supporters from around the country, and they would almost certainly have some form of government tabs kept on them.
If it was discovered that such people were meeting in the middle of nowhere, or had contact with each other, then they'd be shut down pretty quick.

You have to remember, it's not like a plane of CIA members flies in from Syria and parachutes troops down. It's not an actual military invasion when they do these things.
It's people sneaking in.
And that's easy when you're sneaking in amongst thousands of refugees, or are a local. But that sort of cover isn't likely in tiny little towns in the middle of nowhere.

And ultimately, it's not worth doing for CIA.
Sure, they could kill 50 odd people in a small town, maybe, before police get them, or police reinforcements from other towns, or the national guard arrive.
But that's forgetall compared to putting a bomb in a stadium full of thousands, in a city of millions, or gunning down a theatre. It's not worth the time and effort if you affect so few.
Even if it is more likely to succeed than attacking such a big target, the payoff is much lower, hence attacks like Sousse aren't quite as common as bomb threats/attempts on larger locations, because even though they were basically unopposed compared to attacking a larger target, they still kill a fraction of the potential targets they want to.

I imagine that the civilians in any American small town are fairly well armed, and even among the chaos of the situation, would respond to roving bands of terrorist attackers rather than allow themselves to be wholesale slaughtered without resistance.
This is another good point.
Your little towns in the American mid-west for example, are much more likely to have residents who have their own firearms, and may defend themselves if they can.

But that's not likely in most big cities. Especially in New York where you can't carry guns.

Also in most cases it is illegal to kill someone even in self defense.

Also in most cases it is illegal to kill someone even in self defense.

Look up people jailed, arrested or sued for shooting others in self defense.