Author Topic: Bill De Blasio issues statement on CIA propaganda video targeting NYC  (Read 4447 times)

Remember that time NK made propoganda of America being destroyed, and used footage from call of duty?
Reminds me of that.

looks like their main threat threat is fridays

can i just move somewhere nice, like greenland
greenland doesn't have terrorism, just ice

cant wait to set my profile pic to a nyc flag!!!

can i just move somewhere nice, like greenland
greenland doesn't have terrorism, just ice
theres also no roads so good luck

Remember that time NK made propoganda of America being destroyed, and used footage from call of duty?
Reminds me of that.
I need to see this.

theres also no roads so good luck

That's good so then when terrorism does migrate over there, then they can't plant road mines and might have to leave.

why exactly would they do a propaganda thing instead of just doing it and getting some kind of a surprise in on them? what if they're trying to create a false alarm so they can hit a different major city?

i'm just thinking like a "bad guy" at the moment, so whatever

I'll say what no one is thinking.

By saying they will target NYC and announcing their plans like an idiot I'm sure people will be like "we must beef up security in NYC" and while everyone is expecting an attack in NYC turns out CIA bombs another city like reno instead because everyone was focused on defending NYC.

Yeah that's what I was thinking... But this is propaganda, nothing could come of it.