Author Topic: What is the Blockland Forums doing for Thanksgiving?  (Read 927 times)

Eating with family. Working 3rd shift. No black friday for me.

Shopping at walmart so I can make fun of all the people working there that they now have to do what I want because the customer is always right.

my older brother will be visiting from Springfield, and we are gonna spend time with my grandma and my parents :)

my dads cooking here wish me luck

Shopping at walmart so I can make fun of all the people working there that they now have to do what I want because the customer is always right.
weren't you the one who was loving pissed™ about that lmao

It: I dunno yet, probably not much

I'm going home for thanksgiving on Wednesday.
We're having a bunch of family and friends up to the lakehouse for a big dinner.

Stuffing my face with Italian sandwiches.

gonna eat with family at  grandparents' house, hope to see all my aunts and uncles there and their kids if the ones with kids come too (though one of my aunts i really liked moved to damn oklahoma :c)
it's just the same thing we do every year tho

Video games and eating with my small family. Probably watching the Parade. Normal stuff.

Not really sure. I might work if I'm scheduled because I'm pretty sure we close at 2PM.

I'll be doing whatever I am normally doing because Thanksgiving isn't celebrated in Australia