Author Topic: The Ghost [OFFLINE]  (Read 1178 times)

The Ghost

The Ghost is a simple but challenging game based off of Boost's The Hidden. There is two teams, the Ghostbusters, and the Ghost. The Ghost's goal is to eliminate all Ghostbusters before the 10 minute mark runs out. Once the 10 minutes has past the Ghostbusters will win.

The map is set in a modified default build with various easter eggs and weapons. This project has been hosted and delayed countless times by me, finally being finished now.
How to Play
As a Ghost, you have 4 attacks.
  • Ranged
  • Blind
  • Knife
  • Throwing Knife
The Ranged weapon is the Ranged Pixel, left click to fire, and hold down right click to charge your shot. This weapons is easily detectable and leaves a green trail, and has a loud equip and charge sound.

Blind is Magic - Darkness, a simple tool that does 0 damage but turns your target's screen to black. This weapon is easily detectable and leaves a black trail, but makes a quiet sound when fired and another quiet sound when a target is hit.

Knife is the Butterfly Knife, hold left click until it reaches the highest point and release, instantly killing an enemy. However, it has a loud hit and equip noise, and is a melee weapon.

Throwing Knife is the Throwing Knife, left click to use it as a sword or right click to throw it, which is an instant death on hit. This weapon is the largest out of all, has only 1 use, and has loud noises.

As a Ghostbuster, you have 3 attacks.
  • Shotgun
  • Pistol
  • Baton
The Shotgun fires a large spray of shots but doesn't have a lot of ammo, useful for hitting the Ghost when he's in a room or right next to you.

The Pistol is a fast-firing secondary, it's good for checking rooms, as a backup for the Shotgun, or just spraying everywhere.

The Baton is for when you're either out of ammo or just really good at melee weapons, not advised unless you really need to use it.

  • Cone (Owner) (Forums: Cone²)
  • ghettos (Admin) (Forums: ?Sir Info? 2)
  • forum (Admin) (Forums: gebenuwell)
  • Copy_Kirby (Admin) (Forums: Copy Kirby)

Updates and Host Times
11/25/15 - Forum Post

Can the ghost no-clip through bricks?

ghost should have the orange box item that you can steal from the B.O.S.S. gamemode. Which actually kinda does what you're doing here, but with the custom mod and more spy/solid-snake-oriented.

Wait aren't the ghost busters the ones that trap ghosts? So really it should be the other way around. (ghosts hide from ghostbusters)

I think i have played this before

Wait aren't the ghost busters the ones that trap ghosts? So really it should be the other way around. (ghosts hide from ghostbusters)