Author Topic: There is this kid that sits by me in school, and..  (Read 4896 times)

Best case scenario: Ask him nicely to stop or else inform authority to deal with him.

Worst case scenario: Go to school with an aluminum softball bat and hit a homerun on his kneecaps. From that point on, you could just walk away from him and he won't follow.

Hint: Aim for best case scenario.

Best case scenario: Ask him nicely to stop or else inform authority to deal with him.

Worst case scenario: Go to school with an aluminum softball bat and hit a homerun on his kneecaps. From that point on, you could just walk away from him and he won't follow.

Hint: Aim for best case scenario.

the latter scenario sounds like the best one though

have you ever been in a fight

Fortunately only a couple I've been dragged into because stuffty kids want to gain approval from their equally stuffty friends. Typically you don't want to instigate fights with people in a school environment just for talking stuff. If people saying mean things about you is enough to make you go on a handicap rampage then you need some emotional control

Plus picking fights with people is a good way to get the stuff kicked out of you and/or suspended

Fortunately only a couple I've been dragged into because stuffty kids want to gain approval from their equally stuffty friends. Typically you don't want to instigate fights with people in a school environment just for talking stuff. If people saying mean things about you is enough to make you go on a handicap rampage then you need some emotional control

Plus picking fights with people is a good way to get the stuff kicked out of you and/or suspended

okay but if he has to defend himself i like the idea of busting out the guy's kneecaps with a baseball bat

the latter scenario sounds like the best one though

And the most fun

okay but if he has to defend himself i like the idea of busting out the guy's kneecaps with a baseball bat

If the kid OP mentioned gets physical then by all means should he defend himself

If the kid OP mentioned gets physical then by all means should he defend himself

with a baseball bat

I agree with the above, only get physical as a last resort.

Just tell a teacher or some stuff, or maybe ask him why he's being a richard and tell him to forget off

are you going to make dumb comments and then claim its a joke again


i agree i think your jokes should stay far away from the forums

are you going to make dumb comments and then claim its a joke again
If you can't tell I wasn't being serious you seriously have stuff in your head.

If you can't tell I wasn't being serious you seriously have stuff in your head.
i don't care if you're not being serious but it wasn't funny at all
if its going to be a joke it needs to be funny

All these people telling him to inform the teacher or confront him when OP already said that didn't work.

i don't care if you're not being serious but it wasn't funny at all
if its going to be a joke it needs to be funny
Than a specific person doesnt have the say I am not right in the head by posting something I wasn't even serious about.
Hmm maxwell?