Author Topic: There is this kid that sits by me in school, and..  (Read 4899 times)

This would be considered bullying if you ask me.
There is this kid in my class (computer lab) in my school, which i used to know a lot back then, but now he sits by me, and acts like a starfish to me.
This is what he did, we had recently got some paper with our private information such as new email and passwords for us to certain websites. When we had it for 2 days, i hadn't memorized it yet. I was going onto one of the sites, which the password was on the paper. I took it out and was about to look at it, until the cunt yanked it out of my hand and tried tearing it apart, instead he tries to tear it by putting it in the disk tray. I was trying to get it back, and i took it back, then the teacher confronted me saying i should keep my hands to myself -_-. Eventually, i found out the richard was telling everybody and saying that i had beat him up in computer lab which was completely false. This loving richard also does more annoying stuff such as doing inappropriate and blaming it on me, this goes on non stop, and i loving hate him so much. This makes me not want go to school, but still have to. I have a friend who is a female who i have for 4 classes, and we are sort of friends. I guess you could say i have a crush or something on her. Anyways, the guy starts being offensive to me such as calling me over-weight and saying my mom works at Apple-bees, and calling my dad gay, who fought in the loving military. The guy went up the girl and starts saying something upon the lines of, "Hey (blank), (blank) wants to go out with you and take you to IHob or Apple bees, because his mother works there (my mom was a medical assistant btw). The girl said something that made me feel embarrassed, like i was loving stupid. I swear, i really loving hate this kid so much because of the stuff he does to me on a daily basis. Also, the kid wasn't serious about what he said to the girl.

have you tried talking to a teacher about this? if not, you should go do that

either tell a teacher or take matters into your own hands.

Just go talk to the principal or teacher about it.

have you tried talking to a teacher about this? if not, you should go do that
I been considering that idea for a while, but this kid makes up big lies. It was like the time he was doing another bitch move by doing something completely inappropriate and blaming it on me, and i tried to convince the people concerned about it, but the kid kept being convincing about it, and they didn't believe me.

EDIT: I forgot to mention i had told the teacher or staff about him once, but they really didn't do stuff, since they didn't believe me. Again with the lying cliche.
This is what happened:

(I go complain to the teacher about him)

Teacher walks to him and says
"Stop it, stop distracting (BLANK).
The kid said, "But i didn't do anything."
Then teacher just walks away with 0% stuff.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2015, 11:21:41 PM by Cypthon »

take matters into your own hands.

and by this we mean whoop that ass

Wow that is really something, what nerve this kid has to mock your parents for where they work -- and especially your father who fought for the country. The kid should be ashamed of himself, and if I were you - I'd keep my hands off of him. It's not worth getting yourself into trouble as he's already trying to get at you every chance he gets. Play it smart and wait for him to do something he'll regret.

confront him, but don't be mean about it. just tell him "hey dude, i don't appreciate how you're treating me, makes me feel like stuff, let's talk." and try to work something out

if he overpowers you then, and keeps on acting like a nuisance, you're gonna have to dominate the guy. it doesn't seem like he's necessarilly bullying you, rather he's trying to smear you. is he generally unliked?

EDIT: I forgot to mention i had told the teacher or staff about him once, but they really didn't do stuff, since they didn't believe me. Again with the lying cliche.
tell them again about what's happening, if you tell them enough they might believe you

confront him, but don't be mean about it. just tell him "hey dude, i don't appreciate how you're treating me, makes me feel like stuff, let's talk." and try to work something out

if he overpowers you then, and keeps on acting like a nuisance, you're gonna have to dominate the guy. it doesn't seem like he's necessarilly bullying you, rather he's trying to smear you. is he generally unliked?

I think this is good advice too. I think politely approaching the bully could work, but it may also make the bully feel like the OP is an even more vulnerable target, especially if this bully (hypothetically) wants to fight physically.

10 letters, say it with me now!

K  I  C  K   H  I  S   A  S  S

tell them again about what's happening, if you tell them enough they might believe you
Alright, I'll explain the entire story.
We have class together in Computer lab, and he sits by me which sucks now. The kid had been cool for the first few days of class, until he began harassing and being a huge richard to me, such as calling me fat or talking stuff about my family. I've been trying to ignore him, but it seems everyday he does something that pisses me off or makes me feel humiliated to the entire class. Such as dropping a F-Bomb and for some reason blaming me. There is also this girl i have a crush on who is a friend, and i don't know how he found out, but he found out i had a crush on her. So he went up to her and starts saying my mom works with fat people at IHob or somewhere, where again makes me feel humiliated. He still does it, and i have confronted him once.
confront him, but don't be mean about it. just tell him "hey dude, i don't appreciate how you're treating me, makes me feel like stuff, let's talk." and try to work something out

if he overpowers you then, and keeps on acting like a nuisance, you're gonna have to dominate the guy. it doesn't seem like he's necessarilly bullying you, rather he's trying to smear you. is he generally unliked?
I have confronted me once, but thanks to of what a smart ass he is, he says, "I didn't do anything"

I have confronted me once, but thanks to of what a smart ass he is, he says, "I didn't do anything"
well that's just absurd, surely he knows you know he's messing with you