Author Topic: what's the issue with your school?  (Read 2852 times)

There are A FEW good hispanic people that a I actually enjoy being around, but most of them I feel nervous WALKING next to.
great quote by don Annoying Orange i think i saw this on his twitter earlier yeah i follow him on twitter so what lmao
Waaaaaaay too much rap (and my school is mostly white and asian, there's like 10 black kids)
fact is rap isn't racially exclusive and asians and whites are the best at rap anyway

required to be there

ffs i have an A+ in the class i don't have to review for the test on stuff we learned yesterday cant i do SOMETHING

i spend 1/8th of my school day *actually* doing work. everything else is me finishing the worksheet the teacher gives us while he explains to the rest of the class what the hell is going on. i hate it. i shouldn't even be going. i also play magic the gathering for 25% of my day.

1st hour - gym - pretend to be active and talk to my 4 friends in the class
2nd hour - math - do work when teacher is explaining stuff and kids are braindead. get in trouble because i dont do the homework
3rd hour - biology - sit on phone while teacher explains how cancer works. we've been doing cancer presentations for the past 4 days. i'm severely afraid of public speaking and got a 95% on it.
4th hour - study hall - i go into our "room where weird kids make things" and play magic the whole period under the guise that i'm studying it to make a game
5th hour - english - sit on phone while teacher explains why Emily richardinson's poems were amazing
6th hour - lunch - play magic or smash bros and chow down a huge serving of fries.
7th hour - US History - sit on my phone while my teacher explains why trusts were monopolies and the whole class cracks bad jokes
8th hour - Mobile App Design - sit on my phone, pretend to work on my final project, "John Cena's Senpai Adventure", help the stupid freshman next to me code because he's too dumb, continuously play rock paper scissors with senior next to me.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2015, 10:52:52 PM by Waru »

refer to clownfish's entire thread "why do grades matter"
same school, same problems

great quote by don Annoying Orange i think i saw this on his twitter earlier yeah i follow him on twitter so what lmao
Nice stuffpost.

Nice stuffpost.
everythings a stuffpost when you cut off the productive part of it,oh mighty forum overlord.

There are A FEW good hispanic people that a I actually enjoy being around, but most of them I feel nervous WALKING next to.
Well forget you too man.

i keep getting gang raped in the locker room

i keep getting gang raped in the locker room
At least the gym coach is a nice guy. But he always seems to single me out for snake-checking after class.

At least the gym coach is a nice guy. But he always seems to single me out for snake-checking after class.
Oh that reminds me of my snake Inspection Days. I always hated them, my gym teacher would single me out of all the kids because I never washed my foreskin well. He was a good teacher, he would always help me after school and show me the right way to wash.


campus is small as stuff

no sports

snake inspection day in school. our gym teacher is very serious about hygiene. if you have any smegma at all he'll punish you. everyone differently.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2015, 11:57:57 PM by hillkill »

I don't mean kids rapping, I mean everyone being obsessed with rap, always talking about it, sometimes blasting it in the halls on their Bluetooth speakers, that kinda stuff. And we have a lot of wiggers in general.

my college seems to be nice on pretty much all fronts
the worst bit is the food i guess but even that isn't all that bad
lots of nice people, great professors, and a proliferation of clubs
I guess the town we're in is a bit of a dump though, and it takes a while to walk anywhere.