Author Topic: Just came across legit CP on /b/  (Read 2742 times)

Just browsing 4chan's B section when I encountered a legitimate webm movie (~1m30s). 100% CP.
Mods delete topic 10 seconds later.
Erase history.
Delete cookies.
Wipe cache.

how do you know it was a minute and 30 seconds

you were on it long enough to know how long the cp was..

how do you know it was a minute and 30 seconds
My webm browser plugin displays the total length at the right side of the play bar.

How do I call the FBI from Australia again?

you're good

you can only be convicted if you are in possession of cheese pizza

happened to me too on another chan board a few days ago
its still burned into my head

Happens everyday

Why are you even browsing B to begin with?

once one of those full page popups came up and there was like a 4-year-old girl and

loving christ why do people freak out like this its so stupid
sure CP is disgusting and probably made the asians puke but just clean out your cookies, and stop panicking

This happens with some regularity. It's done to completely derail threads. If it's any consolation, I think 4chan has been known to involve the FBI for particularly egregious cases.

They can't arrest you for possession of child research if you are a child, lol.

You're 16 watching other 16 year old girls have love. There is absolutely nothing they can do until you turn 18. lol

You're 16 watching other 16 year old girls have love. There is absolutely nothing they can do until you turn 18. lol
Except try you as an adult.