Author Topic: Sonic Screwdriver Please  (Read 3854 times)

Doctor leave like you should and never come back. 99.99% of the community hates you.

It'd rather have a Sonic Martini.

If anybody gets this you're awesome. :D

It'd rather have a Sonic Martini.

If anybody gets this you're awesome. :D
In your face no mutha omega

It'd rather have a Sonic Martini.

If anybody gets this you're awesome. :D
In your face no mutha omega

Wait what

i like dr.who aswell so a sonic screwdriver and a tardis vehicle would be cool

It'd rather have a Sonic Martini.

If anybody gets this you're awesome. :D
In your face no mutha omega
Ok What was that about?

I'd make one that just broke when you used it and would automatically be thrown away over your shoulder(with the appropriate brick move animation) and removed from your inventory...

But a) I don't have a model, and b) I don't plan on putting effort into something like that.

I might do it but I want it to be an effective weapon [teloport?]
Give ideas for it's use and I'll do it if you give a good one.

It can cleat things teporarily it can break things kill things weld unweld soder break into stuff. used as a calling device for the tardis. pritty much everything besides open dead lock doors.

It can also reverse teleportation for humorus results.

I meant a realistic weapon for Blockland not faithful to the TV series.

If it is not going to stay to the TV show then do not make it. I hate it when people make mods that do not stay to what it is baised off of.

can you make it explode in your hand  then  knock people out like the taser with an explotion but not affect the player?

It can also reverse teleportation for humorus results.
Take you forwards by a random amount, if you go through/into a wall then you instantly die in a large explosion that destroys bricks. (minigame) If you go through another player, Self Delete bomb and both of you explode :cookieMonster: