Author Topic: Out of the above three users, who would you forget, marry, and kill?  (Read 2445 times)

 forget space, kill eon, marry electrk

forget Snoop
Marry Electrk
Kill Eon

forget Snoop, kill Eon, marry Stick Man

Kill Eon, forget Space, marry Electrk.

forget space marry eon kill electrk

not existing is suffering.

on-topic: forget Kahnuu, marry Eon, kill Crust

forget Kahnuu marry Stick kill Crust

forget Eden, kill kahnuu, and marry Stickman

forget Cyp, Marrt Eden, and kill stick because idk him

forget Cypthon, Marry Cypthon, Kill Space

kill cypthon, marry space, forget alphadin

forget tetris marry space kill alphadin

forget Tetris, marry Pearooster, kill clubstep.


marry giant
forget kristo
kill pearooster.
sorry pearooster your rooster is too much like a pea