Author Topic: Election Day - Political RP - 2021 ▶ Apparently you can Annoying Orange the Krump  (Read 12129 times)

Time travel doesn't exist, so I'll pretend you're continuing your conversation.
"We recognize that making a strong enemy will mean we have a counter to our power, but the balance of power is necessary for prestige as a nation-state. What use is a strong country without a strong enemy?"
"A strong country without a strong enemy means you can conquer the world! Voting YEA on the deal would make your bid for power useless. Vote NAY."

wanna work out that lobbying deal

"Ohh sorrryy, I blew out my next payout on advertisement in the UK. Don't worry though, I'll get to you next time though.

I place advertisements in Capitol Hill about Durgo Advocacy Firm.

"Get your cause today!"
Now Hiring

"Ohh sorrryy, I blew out my next payout on advertisement in the UK. Don't worry though, I'll get to you next time though.

"Alright." "Contact me next time."
loving miser piece of stuff go take a loan out with union bank or some stuff jeez (joke)

"A strong country without a strong enemy means you can conquer the world! Voting YEA on the deal would make your bid for power useless. Vote NAY."
"But if we plan to conquer the world as you say we do (which we certainly aren't, of couuuuuuurseeee...), then we need to start with someone."

However, their tone of voice suggests they're starting to see your logic, and that briefcase next to your seat with the lock. Maybe some... motivation?

So I guess this did nothing.

Magnus goes to some of the areas where his canvassing was most effective and begins to issue speeches.

In the more urban areas, he speaks to the pride of the nation, but that it shouldn't entirely be squandered on the past.  The nation must preserve its democratic identity, and that is something that shouldn't be lost, and shouldn't be challenged (referring to Krump's authoritarian policies).  Magnus then speaks of responsible governance, that politicians who were born out of the people have a responsibility to those same people that brought them up.
$100 for speeches. Loyalty gain, from 5 to 10, is 9. (Writing exact words rather than third person genericisms allows you to put politically charged statements and therefore will increase loyalty gain.) However, you do have at least some loyal base.

I place advertisements in Capitol Hill about Durgo Advocacy Firm.

"Get your cause today!"
Now Hiring
How much advertising?

Magnus speaks on his tour, with some of the following bits as highlights.  "In our day an age, if we are to get anywhere in preserving liberty in our own nation, we need to put ourselves in the other's shoes.  What we may praise as liberty for some may be at the expense of others.  This is not true liberty."  ...  "The Russian Embargo Act proposes that all trade to and from Russia be ceased entirely, and it is supported by a large portion of the international community.  While it can accomplish much to prove our resolve, and may force the Russian government into negotiations, history has shown that the Russian government will sooner punish its own citizens than to allow itself to fall."

Magnus also launches a website for support of his political campaign and begins to send out emails to his supporters.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2016, 07:30:13 PM by SWAT One »

brooks pays for tv ads and three more billboards across the pacific northwest, as well as radio ads in the british isles.

flyers are put up around vancouver to advertize another speech by george brooks in the city in the ballroom at the pinnacle harbor front hotel

"But if we plan to conquer the world as you say we do (which we certainly aren't, of couuuuuuurseeee...), then we need to start with someone."

How much advertising?
"Gentlemen." Richard lifts his suitcase up on the table, and two stacks of $20,000. "Shall we negotiate a deal?"

The advertising is only for lobbying contracts, but they are advertised on 4 bill boards on Capitol Hill.

Scott hears word about how people liked the idea of better gun control for Mexico-Bordering states, so he plans on advertising on billboards along 4 highways, 2 per highway, and the signs would say: “If i’m voted for MP/President, I plan on upgrading the police force around the country, I vow to make the Agrosphere the most powerful country in the world, vote Scott Y’naaz for MP!"
Sorry just wanted to make sure you saw it.
Also, if we’re just starting off, can we only advertise, do political activities in our Towns/Counties?

"Gentlemen." Richard lifts his suitcase up on the table, and two stacks of $20,000. "Shall we negotiate a deal?"
"We don't take bribes*, but even if we did, $40k divided by 11 candidates is $3600. Hardly a deal."

The advertising is only for lobbying contracts, but they are advertised on 4 bill boards on Capitol Hill.
$12,000 and done.

brooks pays for tv ads and three more billboards across the pacific northwest, as well as radio ads in the british isles.

flyers are put up around vancouver to advertize another speech by george brooks in the city in the ballroom at the pinnacle harbor front hotel
Billboard costs are local, so $3k * 3 = $9k. TV ads are $500 a spot, Radio is $50 a spot, so you decide how many you want there. Flyers are 2 cents each, so you could probably get a pretty decent gathering with $100. Another $100 for renting the speech time.

* Was messaged with it. 10 TV = $5k, 20 radio = $1k. Total, this round will cost $15,200. Since you're already fairly widely known, the loyalty gain isn't as huge NEVER loving MIND YOU GOT AN 18 ON A 5-20 I'M SO DONE (the max roll was high because it's a lot of money into advertising and vancouver is a fairly big city)

85 loyalty. slut. Your success has increased the popularity of the Liberals substantially.

Magnus speaks on his tour, with some of the following bits as highlights.  "In our day an age, if we are to get anywhere in preserving liberty in our own nation, we need to put ourselves in the other's shoes.  What we may praise as liberty for some may be at the expense of others.  This is not true liberty."  ...  "The Russian Embargo Act proposes that all trade to and from Russia be ceased entirely, and it is supported by a large portion of the international community.  While it can accomplish much to prove our resolve, and may force the Russian government into negotiations, history has shown that the Russian government will sooner punish its own citizens than to allow itself to fall."

Magnus also launches a website for support of his political campaign and begins to send out emails to his supporters.
The tour costs $300 (keep in mind it's a larger area than local speeches). Loyalty roll is 5 to 15, rolled a 14. Nice! You are now a Liberal official. The website costs $200 for uptime for 4 years, but it won't start helping your campaign until it's designed ($300, or do it yourself like you Steam messaged me).

Sorry just wanted to make sure you saw it.
Also, if we’re just starting off, can we only advertise, do political activities in our Towns/Counties?
$3k * 4 = $12k. And you can expand outside your town.
5 to 10 loyalty roll = 7! You are now a National official.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2016, 08:10:40 PM by TristanLuigi »

He steps on to the stage.

"I'm so glad you could all join me here tonight. I've come to Vancouver to talk to you about the state of our nation. Some say it's in a state of disrepair, but that's not true. There is hope left for this nation. The Anglosphere was created to uphold the rights of the people in the free world, but the current administration does not have the rights of the people as its first priority. The first priority of the Krump Administration is domination. To dominate the people of our country, and the governments of people in others such as in Syria. To continue in this way would prove disastrous to the people of our country and to the world. War should not be seen as the norm, and we should not be promoting it.

His latest endeavor, pushing an embargo on Russia, would not only hurt both of our economies, but it would push us closer to a full-out war with them. We are once again in the middle of a cold war and his first thought is to escalate it. Rest assured, this isn't the right way. If we, instead, stay out of Russia's business, they'll stay out of ours. If we stay out of Syria's business, they'll stay out of ours. We have no obligation to police the world. We pay to use our military force with money that could better off be going back to our taxpayers. But he doesn't see this as a solution. The only solution, in his mind, is to push Russia to attack us.

Another thing is the rights of women. The current administration does not believe that women have the right to get rid of a fetus which could injure them upon birth, or which may hinder them later on in life. This is wrong. A fetus is not a person. A fetus does not live. It does not take in its surroundings. It is not conscious. It is not more important than its parent. The mother, on the other hand, is living. The mother has a right to her life. She has the right to choose whether or not she can support a child.

On my final note, the rights of Anglic people are being excessively curbed in the name of "counter-terrorism." What has our counter-terrorism caught? Nothing. But we're forced to wait hours to get into an airport. Websites have been closed off to us, much like in China. Our Great Firewall is growing and the freedom of speech, our most basic right, is being put down. This is not "freedom" as I see it. Every man, woman, and child has the right to speak freely, to practice their given religion, and to be included in democracy. I believe this can be a reality. Thank you, Vancouver.

"Alright then.." Richard puts away his stacks of money.

"I conclude this meeting. It was a pleasure meeting you today."
He then puts all his papers in slots within his briefcase and notes:

He steps on to the stage.

"I'm so glad you could all join me here tonight. I've come to Vancouver to talk to you about the state of our nation. Some say it's in a state of disrepair, but that's not true. There is hope left for this nation. The Anglosphere was created to uphold the rights of the people in the free world, but the current administration does not have the rights of the people as its first priority. The first priority of the Krump Administration is domination. To dominate the people of our country, and the governments of people in others such as in Syria. To continue in this way would prove disastrous to the people of our country and to the world. War should not be seen as the norm, and we should not be promoting it.

His latest endeavor, pushing an embargo on Russia, would not only hurt both of our economies, but it would push us closer to a full-out war with them. We are once again in the middle of a cold war and his first thought is to escalate it. Rest assured, this isn't the right way. If we, instead, stay out of Russia's business, they'll stay out of ours. If we stay out of Syria's business, they'll stay out of ours. We have no obligation to police the world. We pay to use our military force with money that could better off be going back to our taxpayers. But he doesn't see this as a solution. The only solution, in his mind, is to push Russia to attack us.

Another thing is the rights of women. The current administration does not believe that women have the right to get rid of a fetus which could injure them upon birth, or which may hinder them later on in life. This is wrong. A fetus is not a person. A fetus does not live. It does not take in its surroundings. It is not conscious. It is not more important than its parent. The mother, on the other hand, is living. The mother has a right to her life. She has the right to choose whether or not she can support a child.

On my final note, the rights of Anglic people are being excessively curbed in the name of "counter-terrorism." What has our counter-terrorism caught? Nothing. But we're forced to wait hours to get into an airport. Websites have been closed off to us, much like in China. Our Great Firewall is growing and the freedom of speech, our most basic right, is being put down. This is not "freedom" as I see it. Every man, woman, and child has the right to speak freely, to practice their given religion, and to be included in democracy. I believe this can be a reality. Thank you, Vancouver.

Nice! Since there was so much build-up to it, roll from 15 to 30 = 18. Finally not a ridiculous roll! You're at 103 loyalty, which makes you a presidential candidate for the liberals, although success is not guaranteed and decay will hit you hard, but given $20k a year...

Liberal support in Western Canada surges, and the Conservatives' popularity is decreasing with the combined rage of Liberals and other parties.

Seeing the threat, Liberal leader Adrian Rogers is restarting his campaigning. Donations from supporters, however, have increased your income to $30k.

"Alright then.." Richard puts away his stacks of money.

"I conclude this meeting. It was a pleasure meeting you today."
He then puts all his papers in slots within his briefcase and notes:
(FYI they will take bribes, but that was too little money. Perhaps instead of focusing on all of them collectively, individually buy votes, as it's easier to convince a few people to take a lot of money in exchange for votes than all for a little.)

The Parliamentary vote will be happening soon.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2016, 08:22:55 PM by TristanLuigi »

has my advertising got me any contractx
Not quite yet, although there's still time.