Author Topic: Any players you just simply hate?  (Read 291067 times)

I don't think I necessarily HATE anyone, but there are specific people who I would be very pleased if they were banned/revoked.

Im not the type of person to hold grudges, and I usually forgive people

also anyone with an anime avatar

im looking at you jon

First 5 people to quote this get to be my favorite people on the forums

First 5 people to quote this get to be my favorite people on the forums
oh boy
wait is this a trick

Is there any players you hate but theres nothing they did that wrong to warrant a drama thread? Well this is the place to discuss just that.

Grimlock (20075)

He just has a grudge on me for no reason.
The reason I don't like you is you're a complete dumbass on the forums and in game. I've had to ban you from at least two servers for being a massive problem. you stuffpostEVERYWHERE. some of your posts are so stupid they dont even make sense! I would drama you but sense you're too stupid to change your behavior it would be a total waste of my time!

Oh I know one, unfortunately I don't know his in-game name but considering his Youtube name, it's something to do with "Maxx".
Wait, I found it:
I'm not entirely sure if that's his latest name but we'll stick with it.
Here's one of his youtube videos:
Anyways, i've never met him in Blockland but he's literally the worst drama whore ever.

I used to, and still do, own servers on Garry's Mod. A couple of months ago this kid, who uploaded that video linked above got on and built a richard in the skybox of the map. One of my admins kicked him because why the hell would you let someone do that on a build server, specifically when rules are put in place against it. So he got back on and recorded an argument he had with the admins about this issue, until one addressed me about the issue, I simply told my admin to ban him and be done with it. So he did. Maxx was banned for perpetuating arguments on the server after building a phallic object in the skybox. Seems reasonable. Throughout the next couple months he made youtube videos about how terrible our community was or he'd take videos from our community youtube page and change them around, kinda like a youtube poop. None of them exist anymore because he got the giant stick out of his ass and realized he was being a prick. I haven't talking to him in months but he's always been immature and willing to kiss-ass to be unbanned.
That's it.

Wait, that's a joke, right?

So sorry for that triple quad-post, I thought I pressed modify button ;-;

Ok here we go:
Cape: for complaining about unnecessary stuff and generally being pro elitist, a build shouldn't have to be amazing, it should just be what if has to be
Khaki: (I forget his ID at the moment, his name changes a lot too) for being a arrogant rebellious kid who has yet to grow up yet and simply doesn't understand respect
Aaaanndd (This is more minor grudges) l have a  lil' grudge against Decepticon and Boki for something that took place on Blackwatches in the past (We've gotten over it since then.), and then theres Grieg Kuan who i have like the most minor grudge against (We're still pretty good m8s) for being unreliable, but then that's part of his charm i guess.

Oh I know one, unfortunately I don't know his in-game name but considering his Youtube name, it's something to do with "Maxx".
Wait, I found it:
I'm not entirely sure if that's his latest name but we'll stick with it.
Here's one of his youtube videos:
Anyways, i've never met him in Blockland but he's literally the worst drama whore ever.

I used to, and still do, own servers on Garry's Mod. A couple of months ago this kid, who uploaded that video linked above got on and built a richard in the skybox of the map. One of my admins kicked him because why the hell would you let someone do that on a build server, specifically when rules are put in place against it. So he got back on and recorded an argument he had with the admins about this issue, until one addressed me about the issue, I simply told my admin to ban him and be done with it. So he did. Maxx was banned for perpetuating arguments on the server after building a phallic object in the skybox. Seems reasonable. Throughout the next couple months he made youtube videos about how terrible our community was or he'd take videos from our community youtube page and change them around, kinda like a youtube poop. None of them exist anymore because he got the giant stick out of his ass and realized he was being a prick. I haven't talking to him in months but he's always been immature and willing to kiss-ass to be unbanned.
That's it.