Author Topic: Ever feel really really giddy ??  (Read 1038 times)

I dunno guysi just feel really super happy for some reason not sure why. Wanna go something really stupid so glad Im not driving or in class right now an on forums instead. Do you everfeel really happy for no reason??

I have scurvy, damnit, now I have to drink scurvy and make a giddy potion so I wont get infected.

yeah  man  i feel you i  feel the eexact smae way some itmes i dont even kmo why but sometmies the appynes jsut comes to your mind and wow yiur hapy

it's 5am
it's monday morning
it's a school week

there is nothing to be happy about except the sweet embrace of death

Yes. Sometimes. Not right now though, sadly.

once or twice

felt good

hold onto that feeling, lest it shrivel and die as a forgotten memory.

it's 5am
it's monday morning
it's a school week

there is nothing to be happy about except the sweet embrace of death
i'll sure be happy waking up at 11am thankin ol' marty luther jink jr. for this blessed day off

i'll sure be happy waking up at 11am thankin ol' marty luther jink jr. for this blessed day off
amen brother

i'll sure be happy waking up at 11am thankin ol' marty luther jink jr. for this blessed day off

kill me, life is nothing but a pointless journey to our graves anyway

kill me, life is nothing but a pointless journey to our graves anyway

the journey isn't pointless

it's just tedious, difficult, painful, unenjoyable and dreadfully brief.

i like to watch star trek, it helps a lot

i'll sure be happy waking up at 11am thankin ol' marty luther jink jr. for this blessed day off

I totally forgot about that. I guess I can turn off my alarm and not waste 30 miles of gas.

the journey isn't pointless

Maxwell's journey is pointless, right? Or am I thinking of someone else.