Author Topic: Suggest me some good soundtracks, please.  (Read 2478 times)

Ahoy, me buccos.

I really need some new music to work by. I mostly enjoy music without words because words tend to be too distracting for me to get anything done.
Videogame or TV show soundtracks tend to work really well.

So what are you guys' favorites?

Mad Max Fury road?

Can't think of any. Listen to Hamilton, become Hamilton. When building in Blockland this is what I listen to now and I have never been more productive. It doesn't meet all your criteria since it has lyrics but meh that's life.

I could be here for days or have a whole list of basically spam if it was me linking all that I like. Let me just give you this list of OSTs I like and listen to often that I posted a while back to some friends; there is probably over 100 more I could add onto the list to be honest.

EDIT: No soundtrack titles or can click one at a time (because it's pastebin), so sorry about that, especially the lack of titles to follow the links. Listen to Hamilton, become Hamilton. When building in Blockland this is what I listen to now and I have never been more productive. It doesn't meet all your criteria since it has lyrics but meh that's life.
I'm listening to this right now. It's not optimal because of the words but it's the only excellent fresh set of music that I've gotten in a while. And yes, it's amazing.

Mad Max Fury road?

Can't think of any.
I already listen to undertale quite a bit, I don't like the Twinsanity soundtrack much for some reason, and the Mad Max Fury Road soundtrack is a little too atmospheric and/or non-melodic. Really like any Doof Warrior related soundtracks though.
I could be here for days or have a whole list of basically spam if it was me linking all that I like. Let me just give you this list of OSTs I like and listen to often that I posted a while back to some friends; there is probably over 100 more I could add onto the list to be honest.

EDIT: No soundtrack titles or can click one at a time (because it's pastebin), so sorry about that, especially the lack of titles to follow the links.
I'll take a look at this and we'll see how it goes.

Life is strange soundtrack. I know call me weird but there are some goodies

Red Dead Redemption
Max Payne 3

Risk of Rain OST:
Darkest Dungeon OST:
Hotline Miami 2 OST:

Aaaaand Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. I normally don't enjoy the CoD soundtracks, much less their games, but I feel like this one is really underrated, in terms of its music:

I can list some more, if you like these. I practically only listen to video game soundtracks, because they're good. :p

Mad Max Fury Road soundtrack is a little too atmospheric and/or non-melodic.

Let's just agree that this is the entirety of the Fury Road soundtrack.

Nuclear Throne OST
absolutely anything by Danny Baranowsky (Super Meat Boy, Binding of Isaac, Crypt of the Necrodancer, etc)

Nuclear Throne OST
absolutely anything by Danny Baranowsky (Super Meat Boy, Binding of Isaac, Crypt of the Necrodancer, etc)

oh my god yes i forgot about the BoI ost, they're all really good

jake kaufman man he does some rad stuff in wayforward games. check out the soundtracks for mighty switch force and shantae games
also anything by souleye, like the VVVVVV soundtrack
superbrothers sword and sworcery has some pretty rad tunes too

mighty switch force
amazing soundtrack tbh. A story of caves is coo.

Check out Castlevania series soundtracks