Author Topic: so i just found out i have ibs  (Read 997 times)

i got a test done about a week ago and it came back today saying i do have it. runs in my family. this is a bunch of bullstuff if you ask me

irritable bowel syndrome
hey it could be worse you could have ebola

my parents' cat has that if it makes you feel better.

due to going to the bathroom like 10 times a day, i have lots of stuff stories i might post in the stuff thread

try going gluten free it might actually help with this

try it for a week and see if the stuffting goes down

so far i havent been prescribed anything yet

Is it curable? If not then, um.. idk

try going gluten free it might actually help with this

try it for a week and see if the stuffting goes down
Gluten only affects you if you have Celiac disease.
What may actually help OP is avoiding corn-based products.

Prednisolone may help
Screw prednisolone, go for something that is less likely to screw you up first. (And you have to have monthly blood work for prednisolone, iirc)
« Last Edit: January 20, 2016, 03:58:37 PM by ZSNO »

you get annoyed too easily
even your BOWELS are irritated

i noticed bread forgets me up the most. like it burns so much im crying

i noticed bread forgets me up the most. like it burns so much im crying
Then you should actually get tested for celiac disease...

but the strange thing is i can eat other things that have gluten in them. when i eat bread though i have this painful burning in my chest/stomach