Author Topic: Height Control does not work.  (Read 1692 times)

Now I'm not sure if I really picked the right forum for this, but I need assistance on an addon. It was earlier this already early year that I had downloaded Support_HeightControl. When I went to my server to try it out, it appeared to not do anything for me. I'm not sure of this being a scripting problem, or if it's on my end, but I kinda need this.

Right here is my computer screen.

Notice something in the list of addons?

HeightControl IS THERE.

Guess what? It's enabled in the PREFS TOO.

(I'm not sure if I'm missing something. Please say so if I am.)

Can you post a console log after trying to launch?

Height Control only works with vehicles designed to support it. Try using it with ArmyUnit's MAS interceptor.

Noedit: Hold down jump while in the Interceptor to lift into the air. Hold down crouch to lower.

Height Control only works with vehicles designed to support it. Try using it with ArmyUnit's MAS interceptor.
this. other vehicles includes phy's copters and any vtol released in the past 3 years

if you want to add heightcontrol to a vehicle, just make a short post in suggestions and requests or mod help and someone can help you out

Can you post a console log after trying to launch?

You mean what my console looks like during launch? This is the first time in a while that I was on the forums.

Height Control only works with vehicles designed to support it. Try using it with ArmyUnit's MAS interceptor.

I know how it works. It just doesn't work in MY server, but it works in others.

You mean what my console looks like during launch? This is the first time in a while that I was on the forums.

I know how it works. It just doesn't work in MY server, but it works in others.
no just open up a game with blockland, host the server, attempt to use heightcontrol, then shut it down and post the console log.

sometimes the heightcontrol effect is really small? like if im moving at any speed at all it doesn't seem to do anything, but just sitting inside a helicopter and holding space visibly moves me up, albeit slowly.

Have you ever tried enabling it when starting up single-player using the "Custom" gamemode?

Here is my console.
NOTE: This is a dedicated server.

Seems like the only height control vehicle you have is the aviator sub, try using that.

Except many other vehicles I own SAY they have Height control.

Does it work with the aviator sub?