Author Topic: things that people do on the BLF that you hate  (Read 61524 times)

Forum games in off topic

that guy who takes everything too seriously in gallery

the handicaps who get worked over a joke in a gallery

When people say that they're new
When people spam emojis

people who hide their insecurities by constantly arguing and narking on others
literally everyone here lol

make a topic about anything that happens in their life

I know this is a thing on every forum but I really hate when someone only posts a reaction image, it adds notbing to the conversation and frankly it is annoying seeing anime girls/jontron in every thread.

make a topic about anything that happens in their life

im glad im not the only one who thinks this

i don't mind topics like this but when people are like "oh my great great grandma who I never met is in the hospital my day is ruined : (

like im sorry dude but i don't think that's something you should share with a bunch of strangers over the internet

When people want to forum Self Delete and leave like a friend and spam a stuff load of research (Necro research once, that was awful.)
was the necro one when tokthree's account was taken?

meaningless apology threads

noedit: like people that don't change from them and weren't under fire in the first place

When people say that they're new
that only happens because badspot moves them there

smug anime reaction images
I'll punch you in the jaw

I hate when two stubborn forumers argue, since it never leads to anything it just stuffs up a topic.

Also when forums think their opinion is fact and will (see above) argue to the end of the world that their opinion is fact. Again, it stuffs up a topic and is just annoying.