


Author Topic: Overwatch Megathread  (Read 788023 times)

zen looks like a jojo
unrelated but jotaro's english voice actor is the same guy that voices mccree

i have been within two points of getting out of gold for the past week and it just wont happen
ill have like 3 amazing games, and then three really bad ones where i get steamrolled. even when i group with the team we just did really good with, ill lose the next one
its very sad :(
actually im not minding being stuck in gold. for the most part, im playing against people at my skill level, and im not incredibly worried about my rank at the end of the season. i used to not like playing comp at all, but its p much all i play now just because its fun to play matches with people you know are (probably) going to use teamwork and make good picks.

still, it is kinda gay being stuck at a season high of 2498 lol

Patch day is tommorow. Better use that emote wheel...

The Future Is Now.

http://streamable.com/mcld9 - Leaked event video. Looks like CTF tracer gamemode and possibly a new variation of Lijiang Tower.


here's a non filmed-with-a-phone version of the leaked trailer in hd
« Last Edit: January 24, 2017, 07:38:59 AM by ReddBoi »

Over Watchfortress 2

Did the patch just come out today? Gotta have that emote wheel...

patch has been available to download for days now but the event and skins dont get added for another 2 hours

why do the mei and dva skins have to be so expensive goddamnit
theyre qt but theyre like 3 billion gold shekels each

why do the mei and dva skins have to be so expensive goddamnit
theyre qt but theyre like 3 billion gold shekels each
event legendarys are always 3000

It's out

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SX2lJuk66xI - The event video

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=At7NWZ_mw6s - Dev Update for CTF

Three down already, all 3 were in a row too
« Last Edit: January 24, 2017, 03:06:12 PM by Nymph »