Author Topic: Kreon, the next Hunter0812 [Most only text]  (Read 3146 times)

Welcome to my story of the amount of displeasure of being on Kreon's server AKA, the new Hunter0812

So it all started with me joining for the first time, I had asked if I could be a meth cook, perhaps, because I thought drug dealing was a thing, I got no answer (This isnt what I'm mad about)
I then went on to ask if I could be somebody from Payday 2 and then he says "Just because you asked, no." I then started thinking that this host is a little rude. He then changed his mind and said I could be a character from Payday: The Heist. I thought that was redeemable as it was. Boy was I wrong.

I then invite one of my friends, Sans the Sinna [BLID:47119] to the server so we could have a small gang to robs banks and such. I then go to ask Kreon where the bank is, he responds with: "The east island." I ask then "Reletive to what? I see no compass." he then starts to ignore me, I ask again. He replies with: "Shut up already." Somebody then says "Kre, why are you mad?" he replies with: "I just hate it when people ask stupid questions." I then butt in and say: "When you're a server host of 35+ people on a constant, you have to be prepared for things like that." I am then kicked. I begin to think this this behavior is pretty annoying, but I try to put up with it. So eventually I find the bank by myself after about half an hour, and surprise, surprise. It's blocked off. I ask very calmly for the bank to be unblocked, he then orbs to me and D-Wands the bank entirely. In chat I responded "rip bank" and he then begins to hammer my car, and manages to flip it over. I replied with "Oh, how rude" and he says to me "Dude shut up it's just a car.", unimpressed, I go back to my base with Sans, and we begin to devise a plan to rob a mansion just up the hill. Nothing wrong, and the robbery is a success. Afterwards we begin to look around a bit, and to my surprise, I got RDMed. I ask Darling Kreon about it, and he ignores me, I know he's there cause he's talking in OOC. I ask again, still keeping my cool. Still no answer. I then get me and Sans to rob that same mansion about 2 hours later, the mansion owner is a fellow heister, so I thought me and him could team up, but in fact he called the police, I was killed and put in jail. I started to lag heavily and got D/C'd, I then joined back only to find I got put out of jail, odd. He begins to tell me that that's exploiting. I said: "That's not my problem, dont domplain." (Yes, I misspelled Complain, on that bit. I tried my best to transcript this. But then he bans me for getting out of the jail via 'Exploiting' at this point I was not only losing my cool, but I became a tad angry, too. I was then warned if I exploited again, I would get perma banned. I then refuse to join his server, It's complete bullstuff. The biggest reason that I'm making this Drama is because whenever I report a RDMer, or ask a simple question, he tells me to "Shut up", or "I don't care"

Think I need more evidence? I have different players who saw this, too.

Here's the ban I was talking about
[The only image that actually saved]
tl:dr? I get it.

In conclusion

I also forgot to mention, when I told him I would drama him if he would not correct his rude attitude to all his players, I'd file a Drama, he then said "If you do, I'll perma you." I responded with: "Tha'd make your case worse." He backed off a tad after that.

I think Kreon may ignore everyone. Not out of malice, but because he does not give a stuff.

Honestly, the guy sounds so bad that he'd become BOS so fast it'd make his loving head spin, not to mention that the entire situation sounds credible, even with the lack of visual evidence.

/Support, will keep an eyeball on this.

I think Kreon may ignore everyone. Not out of malice, but because he does not give a stuff.
or because im afk and didnt see it. 

he then starts to ignore me, I ask again. He replies with: "Shut up already." Somebody then says "Kre, why are you mad?" he replies with: "I just hate it when people ask stupid questions." I then butt in and say: "When you're a server host of 35+ people on a constant, you have to be prepared for things like that." I am then kicked.
I did not kick you after this.

Your friend clearly exploited the server.  No one says I am loosing connection, going to recconnect, while they are in jail.  Previously to that, someone said if you leave in jail and rejoin you can get out of jail.  They said this to probably bait your friend.  Leaving and rejoing while in jail gets you banned for 15 minutes.  People sometimes think they can get away with it by lying. 

This drama was the result of a 10 minute ban for constantly whining in the chat.

As I was typing this you were kicked for copy and pasting this entire drama into OOC. 

This drama was the result of a 10 minute ban for constantly whining in the chat.

Kreon, I know that you have many important responsibilities as the server host, but I implore you to at least respond to him.

Also, how do you know he wasn't having problems with connection? I lose connection on your server all the time.

you pasting this drama in ooc

your friend rejoining to escape jail

you complaining and saying you arent on the same side as your friend ???

those sentence fragments are awful to read in the OP, it's really start and stop.

on topic I feel like this is really in the grey area until photos are provided, but Kreon does have to deal with a lot of "dumb" questions on the server. (east as in the games compass, which is used for the directions of items and emitters.)

Kreon, I know that you have many important responsibilities as the server host, but I implore you to at least respond to him.

Also, how do you know he wasn't having problems with connection? I lose connection on your server all the time.
I cant respond to questions like.  Can I payday RP?  If you want to rob banks go do it.  You dont need permission to do anything on the server.  You are free to commit crimes.  Yes I should have told him this and its in the rules.

As I was typing this you were kicked for copy and pasting this entire drama into OOC. 
I was not the person who did this, but K.

Secondly, that kick you claim to be false.
I was kicked, probably not from you, but I know I was kicked.

A ten minute ban, is still a ban. And yes, when you lag hard you tend to try an reconnect as much as the next guy. Knowing I would be banned for exploiting out of jail, I was literally just about to ask you to rejail me for the left over time, but no. Hastily banned.

I cant respond to questions like.  Can I payday RP?  If you want to rob banks go do it.  You dont need permission to do anything on the server.  You are free to commit crimes.  Yes I should have told him this and its in the rules.
Maybe you could put read the rules in a different color, I think too many people these days skip over the welcome message. You don't have to of course, but it would probably prevent things like this from happening.

I was there at the incident too.

I host a server too and I can't always respond to people when they have questions, other admins exist for a reason to help.
Blockz making a drama for a 10 minute ban is quite over-exaggerating. Kreon is not at fault.

Maybe you could put read the rules in a different color, I think too many people these days skip over the welcome message. You don't have to of course, but it would probably prevent things like this from happening.
In his defence (Regretably) he does have a very obvious rule wall, as well as a bricks that puts centerprint saying "Read the rules!" although you can't be sure if robbing banks with SMGs is allowed on every City RP server.

I was confused if you were blockz or sans.  Well then you were banned  for 15 minutes because you left the server while in jail.  10 more minutes than your jail time.  You were killed and jailed while trying to take a hostage.   
Maybe you could put read the rules in a different color, I think too many people these days skip over the welcome message. You don't have to of course, but it would probably prevent things like this from happening.
Ah I see this was the entire problem all along that OP cant read.