-The Nexus- (Full PvP, No RP)



15 (68.2%)
7 (31.8%)

Total Members Voted: 22

Author Topic: -The Nexus- (Full PvP, No RP)  (Read 31868 times)

Nova Flare is now leader. Posting to OP.



Did I whine? No. forget off.

As the new leader of Zeta, I will temporarily serve you as best I can until I decide to appoint someone, as I am most certainly not fit for ruling with my busy schedule.

My first order will be to authorise the permanant continuation of Ze Operator's schedule.  This means that training at 2pm this coming Saturday will continue.  

However, I would like to take this opportunity of power to enhance your training.  Please practice working together using the defensive strategies that Data Proxy / Ze Operator forwarded to you.  Please discuss strategies and invent techniques if you can, so that you upbuild one another more efficiently.

I would also like to use this opportunity to permanantly enforce the rule that, until both clan leaders (or whoever was sent in their name, or whoever is in a position of power) agree to start an IN-GAME war whilst WITHIN THE GAME, anyone that goes out of their way to kill a member of the opposing team and succeeds will be prosecuted on the forums.  This works for all clans including ours.  Make sure you take plenty of screenshots.

Thank you everyone for continuing to participate in this clan, and I would like to thank our contemporary clans for participating with us, no matter what capacity that involves.

EDIT:  On top of this, I would like to post to strategy that I have created.  I have sook the approval of Data Proxy in order to post this:

Greetings, Data Proxy. Please forward this to all clan members, and please put it into the Discord server at a time that seems pleasing to you.
Defensive  Arrangements & Subsequent Combat Strategies
 (NOTE: The following combat strategies have been designed with the Defensive Multi-Role Arsenal 1 in mind:
Slot 1: M392 Rifle (Takes care of moving long-range targets)
Slot 2: Binary Rifle (Takes care of stationary or slow targets, and also vehicles: land sea and air.)
Slot 3: Defibrillator (Revives members.)
Slot 4: Brute Shot (My favourite weapon. Releases a salvo of close-range explosives, great for dealing with foes in groups quickly.)
Slot 5: Shockwave (You know, transportation.)
The strategy is not set in stone, however.  Adapt to the situation if you need to, just make sure you form them around 1.  Protecting the flag, and 2.  Protecting the gate.
Another suggestion would be to have each assigned team-member have their last clan-tag changed to their designated position, so that the tripwires can be sounded more effectively.  They wouldn’t even need to say where they detected the enemy.  Their designation would indicate the general area they are located, all they have to say is: “DETECTED” in team-chat, and every team member would know exactly where the detection was made. For instance, clantag (Gtnk) would indicate that they are the tank around the Gate, and (Ftnk) would indicate that they are the tank around the Flag entrance.  (If the Gate tank did not detect, though, it is the responsibility for, say Ftnk to say: “DETECTED GATE” as an example.  Or for Gtnk to say:  “DETECTED FLAG”.) If they are not in their position, it would serve as a reminder of their original assigned designation anyway, so doing this could only make the defence even more efficient with even less effort.  The detection system should be considered null and void, however, if strategies need to adapt.
All in all, this is a war of extended vigilance, (extended and unbroken concentration on a task at hand, usually observation and awareness) so you should be paranoid for a sudden unseen attack.  Check every corner frequently.  Also, I can’t stress this enough:  WATCH THE SKIES!)

1.   We need at least one sniper on the flesh-coloured tower, at the middle-right of the facility.  (Clantag abbreviation Tsnp ‘Tower sniper’ or if there are more than one, Snp1, Snp2, Snp3 etc. for ‘Sniper 1’, ‘Sniper 2’, etc.  You may additionally want the sniper to be the exact same colour as the tower, because, well, this image says it all to be honest: http://cdn.instructables.com/F7E/2HER/F02QU1AV/F7E2HERF02QU1AV.MEDIUM.jpg
The Sniper should have two weapons similar to the M392 Rifle and Binary Rifle, at least.  One for dealing with hard targets, and the other for soft targets.  He should also be equipped with Brute Shot, which is the best explosive close-closemedium range weapon. At no point should the sniper leave his position – he is most effective staying there in the long-run, which will be described below:
(a) Vigilantly search for enemies climbing over the wall.
(b) Act as an alarm system [he must quickly describe whether it is a player or an air-vehicle, and where in the base he spotted the enemy if he couldn’t kill him.  Same with the SECURITY TANKS and MAS FIGHTERS.]
(c) Try to take out said enemies.
 (d) Try to whittle down the HP of very long-range enemies over the walls with the M392 rifle, or a rifle of similar kind and range.
(a) Always duck and reload after firing a few shots, in case enemy snipers are looking for an opportunity.  This tactic is best with the Binary Rifle if the enemy is in a vehicle. 
(b) If there are two snipers, one must reload in safety whilst the other fires.  The British Empire used this tactic with their (insertnameoffiringmechanismhe re)lock rifles.
2.   We need two security tanks – one nestled somewhere at the gate in order to prevent it being opened, and another watching the flag door.  If the tank has gone out of it’s way to deal with an enemy, it must return to it’s original designated position.  Clantag: Ftnk for ‘Flag Tank’, Gtnk for ‘Gate Tank’, etc.

(a) To quickly move to enemy positions indicated by the Sniper.  (b)  To deal mainly with ground units.  (c) To serve as tripwires for the Sniper. (d) Gate Tank’s role, in addition, is to co-operate with the jeep scouts.

(a)   Always keep moving.  Stay near your designated position, but no matter what, do not stop moving.  This will make it very hard for enemies yielding accurate weaponry to successfully hit you, the pilot, and helps you to watch more areas.  It is suggested that the Flag Tank move in a circular pattern around the flag-house.  The Gate Tank, however, can move in any way that it deems fit, just so long as it can check behind the hills located left and right of the gate.

(b)   In the event that you have detected an enemy whilst inside your tank, make sure you can get behind whatever cover is near you in order to use a real-life tank technique known as ‘hulling down’ where you hide the hull of your body, but only your turret is exposed.  *HISTORY LESSON: This was a legitimate technique used by the Americans with their heavy tanks (most notable example being the T21) and the Russians with their I.S. and KV series of heavy tanks, though that fulcrum gun pivot always got in the way with gun-depression with the Russian heavies, so they weren’t really good for hulling down.  Their gun elevation was excellent, however, but that only comes in handy 10% of the time. Sideways point of view: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cc/Hull_down_tank_diagram.png  Enemy’s point of view: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/d/da/Sky-lined_tank.png *

(c)    If your instincts are telling you that your tank is about to explode, trust your instincts and get out of the tank and fight normally (that explosion is bad for your health).  After disposing of the enemy with a weapon of appropriate range ere the enemy’s distance from you, get back into your tank if it has not been destroyed and drive it back to the tank spawn.  Destroy the tank, and use the freshly respawned tank instead.  Drive back to your position.  If you are severely wounded, either get healed if there is a healing system, or make sure you switch to operate at longer range until you die.  When you die, rinse and repeat.  You’ll have to run to the tank spawn if your tank was destroyed in combat.

(d)   Make sure you use the hills for cover if you plan to use long range fighting techniques, and use the same fire-hide-reload-fire technique as the snipers.

(e)   Since you will be using your tank alone, become skilled with using the ‘,’ and ‘.’ keys to switch between moving and shooting. +

+ Oh, don’t look at me like that.  I still have to say it.


3.   We will need a minimum of 2 MAS Fighters.  This has to be one of the most valuable offense-is-the-best-defence assets of the team. (Clantags:  MASg (MAS ground) MASa (MAS air)  A universal role for all fighters is to destroy the enemy with the flag at all costs, if the flag is captured.


(a)   Patrol the entire exterior of the base.  Your immense speed will enable you to refresh your awareness of all four corners of the base.  Fly in a circle just above the outer part of the wall, so you can see what’s going on inside and outside.

(b)   Come to the immediate aid of a team-member if they shout: ‘DETECTED’ or ‘DETECTED (insert area of base here)’  It is also your responsibility to shout whether you have detected someone yourself.  Your abbreviation will not be like the others.  Because you are flying at such high speeds, all you simply need to say is ‘OUTSIDE’ or ‘INSIDE’ and the other team members should automatically look for an enemy if you said ‘INSIDE’, but they know that an enemy is close by if you shouted ‘OUTSIDE’.  However, if you have spotted a flyer, shout: ‘AIR’ so that your teammates know that thar’ be dragons to slay.

(c)   Destroy anything you see, of course!


(a)   Make sure you have Brute Shot equipped in your inventory for ground units.  This way, you double as a bomber!

(b)   Make sure to equip a standard machinegun of your choice with moderate inaccuracy spread for air units, so you can hit enemies with chance with your inventory machinegun, but also hit them with accuracy with your MAS machineguns.  I recommend the HALO SMG for that role.

(c)   If your fighter is severely or moderately damaged but the enemy is not, DO NOT CONTINUE.  Replace it immediately by doing something identical to the SECURITY TANKS when they themselves are damaged.  Once you have your new fighter, search for the enemy again to resume your assault.  Rinse and repeat.  This way, you only have a 5% chance of death, because all your other team-mates will be firing at the enemy as well.  Generally, you will almost be invincible if you do this.  The great thing about it is that you aren’t breaking any rules.  That’s the magic of protocol for you.

(d)   If you are being chased by a skilled pilot, just fly around the sniper tower to allow the snipers to wear away at his health.

(a)   Much the same as the close-to-the-ground unit.  Arsenal must be similar as well.  However, you must fly at a high altitude above the base, whilst having the base clearly visible to you.  This is because you must constantly scan for high-flying planes that wish to sneak upon the base.  This is the altitude that they usually start their dive-bombing procedure (a tactic I would use to start a Blitzkrieg: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blitzkrieg and then a Vernichtungsschlacht: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_annihilation )  Unlike the MASg, MASa’s main focus will be the annihilation of air units.


Warlords have their own jurisdiction and loadouts.  They are the units that have no designation and operate as free agents, using their own strategies.  All the surplus becomes this.

Have a wonderful day.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2016, 04:03:08 PM by C-Zech Chrome Ind. »

be aware my new group is going to make this group look like a bunch of scrubs

be aware my new group is going to make this group look like a bunch of scrubs

Just so long as you don't count me as a scrub.

How about this:

I face you tomorrow, and if I lose, then I will step down from as Leader of the Nexus.
You lose? You knock it off with this major hard-on of whatever it is you have against my clan.

2:00pm's the best time for me.

Well, technically speaking, he didn't lose so he doesn't have to end his fun with your clan.

i dont know i thought data wouldnt be able to handle the silliness of a wrestling match to determine who leads the clan but he actually did and resigned so props to him

i dont know i thought data wouldnt be able to handle the silliness of a wrestling match to determine who leads the clan but he actually did and resigned so props to him
we should host a weekly competition that is different each time to determine who is the better  whatever

like who has better hair or the better avatar.

we should host a weekly competition that is different each time to determine who is the better  whatever

like who has better hair or the better avatar.
that'd be cool actually

except I'd be the immediate winner of the hair one :^)