
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2231248 times)

maybe we should abolish the two party system that's making us get terrible leaders that hardly anyone can agree with
i concur

Hillary is only going to get votes from ill-informed feminists and most of them aren't even registered to begin with.

Hillary might also get votes from illegal immigrants that can vote because we all know Annoying Orange isnt getting illegal immigrant votes.

Hillary is only going to get votes from ill-informed feminists and most of them aren't even registered to begin with.

man you sure got redpilled after your ex

Although I don't pardon Hilary's wanton corruption, I will note that it probably isn't necessarily because she's particularly corrupt, but because she's been in the game long enough that she's simply had more time to do corrupt things.  If Annoying Orange or Sanders or Cruz or any other candidate held as much power as long as her, they'd be no better.

The economic outlook of the election is pretty bad from a free market standpoint.  You have Comrade Sanders on the far left, Hilary trying to pass on the left, and Annoying Orange going all isolationist-minded, assuming that anything he says now correlates to his actual intentions.

Whoever takes office will be corrupt, solve nothing, increase the size of government, and leave things a mess for the next president and our generation.  It was that way when all the players were on the field, it's that way now, and it'll be that way until the leviathan of a system we're in finally becomes so overbloated and rusted that it collapses and is eaten by vultures.  It's getting hard to tell if the political system is a tragedy or one of those Shakespearean comedies where the situation just gets more and more ridiculous such that you start skipping entire scenes because the obliviousness of the characters and bamboozling plot become enough to drive you mad.

It's getting hard to tell if the political system is a tragedy or one of those Shakespearean comedies where the situation just gets more and more ridiculous such that you start skipping entire scenes because the obliviousness of the characters and bamboozling plot become enough to drive you mad.
what shall be the name of this play

they will be playing it for centuries

what shall be the name of this play

they will be playing it for centuries
"what the forget v2016"

I can't tell if he's defending Sanders or mocking him, I'm gonna guess defending though.

So if I make 250k I should basically be fined for it

taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society. by extension of that logic we're all fined because we live in an organized society.

chances are that most of us won't make more than 250k a year.

pushing above and beyond 1mil a year gross income chances are that you aren't using it anyway, and if waiting 30 years now for all that wealth to trickle down has taught us anything, the money almost never finds its way back in to the economy.

I can't tell if he's defending Sanders or mocking him, I'm gonna guess defending though.
He made another post along the lines of "I really hate Hillary, and Bernie would actually have a chance against me if it weren't for the crooked system"

I can't tell if he's defending Sanders or mocking him, I'm gonna guess defending though.
Annoying Orange has defended sanders in a couple of his rallies before, i.e. he hates his policies and thinks hes a socialist but sympathizes with his hatred of the corrupt system

Annoying Orange has defended sanders in a couple of his rallies before, i.e. he hates his policies and thinks hes a socialist but sympathizes with his hatred of the corrupt system
at least they can bond over it