
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2229681 times)

wheres big boss when you need him smh

https://www.dailywire.com/news/24370/no-Annoying Orange-verifying-jerusalem-israels-capital-wont-ben-shapiro#exit-modal

big thinking emoji

it's almost like muslims hate jews or something

Or that Palestine also claims Jerusalem is their capital, and Annoying Orange moving the embassy there is recognizing it as Israel's capital, which is a giant middle finger to Palestine.
This on top of grudges resulting from centuries of religious conflict from the city being incredibly important to all three Abrahamic religions.

https://www.dailywire.com/news/24370/no-Annoying Orange-verifying-jerusalem-israels-capital-wont-ben-shapiro#exit-modal

big thinking emoji

Funny that for a person who care so much about facts over feelings he doesn't think that Palestine exists

P.S. Articles like that prove that Ben Shapiro has never been outside of the US.

friendly reminder that "kill all Jews" is in Palestine's official charter

geez I didn't realize that you guys were so pro-national socialist

friendly reminder that "kill all Jews" is in Palestine's official charter

geez I didn't realize that you guys were so pro-national socialist

the forget are you going on about

palestine is not a country

Deciding who should and shouldn't have nukes is dumb. If everyone has a nuke nobody will attack each other out of fear of being nuked.
The issue with this is the fact that if a nuclear power collapses during a civil war, it increases the chances that a terrorist group like the Taliban or Al-Qaeda will acquire nuclear arms and use them. People in fringe terrorist organizations have zero instincts of self-preservation and will absolutely ignite a nuclear apocalypse without a second thought.

So proliferating nuclear arms to more countries increases the chances of this happening.

the forget are you going on about

I'm on mobile rn I'll post a source in a while

I'm on mobile rn I'll post a source in a while

everyone already knows about palestine's rampant antisemitism, I want you to point out where anyone was justifying it

or is this another one of your trademark dumb and poorly thought out rants

The issue with this is the fact that if a nuclear power collapses during a civil war, it increases the chances that a terrorist group like the Taliban or Al-Qaeda will acquire nuclear arms and use them. People in fringe terrorist organizations have zero instincts of self-preservation and will absolutely ignite a nuclear apocalypse without a second thought.

So proliferating nuclear arms to more countries increases the chances of this happening.

i think we agree on something. surely this must be an accident or we just switched universes

everyone already knows about palestine's rampant antisemitism, I want you to point out where anyone was justifying it

or is this another one of your trademark dumb and poorly thought out rants

leisuresuit seems pretty okay with defending Palestine

I mean come on is it really that hard to believe he'd support Hamas

I mean come on is it really that hard to believe he'd support Hamas

and yet if anyone makes any disingenuous comments about you, you're going to flip your stuff and drag it on for pages

i think hes as annoying as the next guy, but at least he can be somewhat of a good sport about it

I don't think most supporters of Palestine in the United States are particularly fans of Hamas. It's more of a sympathy to the fact that the people who lived in the region basically lost all of their land and sovereignty, and continue to lose it through illegal settlement expansion. Part of this is due to the British Mandate and Israeli settlements, and part of it is due to the fact that all of Israel's neighbors tried to kill them in the Six-Day War and failed miserably. But essentially none of that was up to the Palestinians.

The conflict is complicated because both parties are at massive fault. On the negative side, Israel is guilty of human rights violations, and their settlements are illegal breaches of state sovereignty. Palestine is governed by a literal terrorist organization that puts bombing Israelis at a higher priority than caring for the people in the Gaza Strip. On the positive, Israel is a massive boon to scientific innovation and an economic powerhouse. Likewise, the land originally belonged to the Palestinians (or at least the Ottomans of which Palestinians were a part of).