Loving the implications that el tolerante lefto could never be fascistStop calling them liberals, leftists are not liberals, leftists are communist pigs
You couldn't draw more wrong conclusions about 1984 than this.
Fascist leftists exist but there's probably more right fascists in the world than there are left unless neo national socialists became leftists
https://twitter.com/richardbspencer/status/528395974666764288?lang=enhttps://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/4/4/15164598/alt-right-single-payer-health-care-Annoying Orange
I'm not even referring to 1984 anymore you stupid carrot
It's hard to tell, everything you post is useless and hard to readYou should work on that before posting again
I’m really confused what this has to do with fascism
have yall talked about how donald Annoying Orange drew the american flag with a blue stripe yet