
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2458933 times)

good, you guys can finally forget off to Commieland
The USSR collapsed a long time ago.
They can't go anywhere.

good, you guys can finally forget off to Commieland
Venezuela is a utopia

good, you guys can finally forget off to Commieland

lol calling falsely everyone a commie only makes them stronger handicap

"Orange man bad"

"Orange man bad?"

"Orange man bad"

"Orange man bad?"
who cut him why does he have a cut

"Orange man bad"

"Orange man bad?"

also why even post this?

I think he's trying to do the hilarious npc meme face.

My man Annoying Orange gonna dab on them democ-rats lmao xd /s

Jeez, why is this thread so dead?

Anyway, current event topics:
Where is Ruth Ginsburg (US Supreme Court Justice who hasn't been seen in public in nearly a month).
Kamala Harris to Run for President.
Starbucks CEO may run for President.
Covington Catholic Controversy (kind of old, but they're going to be suing soon.)
Journalists lose jobs and are told to "Learn to Code" on social media.
Twitter makes telling people to "Learn to Code" an act of hate speech.
Venezeula losing support worldwide, US recognizes a previous leader as the true leader of Venezeula instead of Maduro.

venezuela is a joke at this point

Because politics is dead
Politics is dead, YouTube is dead, Tumblr is Dead dead, Reddit is stuff, and blockland is dead.
Then wtf is alive?

since when is youtube dead

since when is youtube dead
Unless you like Elsa Spiderman softcore research, Logan Paul tazing his YouTube Career, PewDiePie, or TV lite. YouTube is stuff, and is worse than dead.