
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2229095 times)

Support the Peshmerga and other groups in their fight against CIA, through use of military aid and training.

Didn't the US try that in Syria with different rebel groups, of which some of them turned out to be part of CIA?

It'd be awesome if every UN country could mound a massive refugee program together that would completely empty Syria and Iraq of civilian population, then work with the governments to conduct massive carpet bombing and drone strikes against whatever remains.

Why all of iraq? The majority of the country is not in danger of being occupied

Didn't the US try that in Syria with different rebel groups, of which some of them turned out to be part of CIA?
I don't know about the 'turned out to be CIA' part, but we definitely supported rebel groups because we were hoping that one would win the war and replace Assad as Syria's government. The Peshmerga is definitely not secretly CIA though, and I do hope that we see an independent Kurdistan at some point.

It'd be awesome if every UN country could mound a massive refugee program together that would completely empty Syria and Iraq of civilian population, then work with the governments to conduct massive carpet bombing and drone strikes against whatever remains.

No innocent lives lost, nothing getting in the way, just CIA and the rest of the world. Once they're gone just ship everyone back.

That's the most American thing you've ever said

I'm proud of you

Didn't the US try that in Syria with different rebel groups, of which some of them turned out to be part of CIA?
The US supported FSA, whose goal was to overthrow Assad and protect the rights of people, install a democracy, etc. As of 2015 they began to lose, as people stopped defecting from Syria's army, and the leader was injured in a car bomb. Since then half of FSA has either been killed off or defected to CIA for some handicapped reason. Not exactly the US's fault.

Why all of iraq? The majority of the country is not in danger of being occupied
if not then just the parts where CIA is present

That's the most American thing you've ever said

I'm proud of you
well the refugees would have to go somewhere. i also think the US should house refugees in time of war regardless of their beliefs

well the refugees would have to go somewhere.

Saudi Arabia

I don't know about the 'turned out to be CIA' part, but we definitely supported rebel groups because we were hoping that one would win the war and replace Assad as Syria's government. The Peshmerga is definitely not secretly CIA though, and I do hope that we see an independent Kurdistan at some point.

The problem with an independent Kurdistan is that a majority of their population is in Turkey. Separating Kurdistan (which if I remember correctly is already somewhat semi independent) from Iraq/Syria is like having an independent Hungary with only the Hungarian part of Trannsylvania

Not exactly the US's fault.

Yes it was the USA's fault because they got involved in the first place. They should have kept their nose out of Syria. They should have also not gotten involved in Libya
« Last Edit: January 29, 2017, 04:18:39 AM by beachbum111111 »

Yes it was the USA's fault because they got involved in the first place. They should have kept their nose out of Syria. They should have also not gotten involved in Libya
So far nothing bad has come out of US' support for rebel groups. The defecting is happening on an individual basis, it's not some ideology that they believe in. Sometimes random people will just abandon their roles in the army and go wherever they're more likely to survive, ie CIA.

I don't know about you but I always go by the upstander philosophy. If someone across the street is being stabbed, you should probably do something to stop it and help out the person being stabbed. What you advocate is just walking by and not doing a single thing because it's not your responsibility

The problem with an independent Kurdistan is that a majority of their population is in Turkey. Separating Kurdistan (which if I remember correctly is already somewhat semi independent) from Iraq/Syria is like having an independent Hungary with only the Hungarian part of Trannsylvania
A boy can dream :(

So far nothing bad has come out of US' support for rebel groups.

What is Libya?
What is Syria?

Both those countries are far worse then they would be if the US just forgeted off

A boy can dream :(

And I would like a bigger Armenia, a Zoroastrian Iran, Istanbul and Adrianople to be Greek, a KMT China, and Alaska to be Canadian.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2017, 04:27:20 AM by beachbum111111 »

What is Libya?
What is Syria?

Both those countries are far worse then they would be if the US just forgeted off
I no nothing about libya atm. However, I just did a final on Syria so i'm good on that.

Syria was in a state of civil war around 2011-2012, and the US only started supporting the rebel groups a year after that. If you want actual context, Assad authorized the shooting of peaceful protesters and allowed military action and violence to be taken against unarmed civilians. I don't see how supporting a group that wishes to bring democracy and peace to people makes anything worse. Us supporting it wouldn't necessarily cause a huge ripple effect or backlash, it just helps them fight for their goal.

It's like trying to put out a fire but being somewhat unsuccessful, it grows and then someone says "the fire got worse since you showed up!" Either way it would've gotten worse, but it matters that you did something to prevent it or helped slow it down.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2017, 04:30:14 AM by PhantOS »

>get into war with Iraq cause bush smells WMDs
>dismantle Iraqi government and install puppet state
>bush signs orders to withdraw in 2011 much to everyone's acclaim
>power vacuum occurs and CIA takes over
>suddenly everyone wants to go back to step 1

see, back awhile ago, some history happened a couple of times, and so everyone was taught that history and how it repeated itself. then, that history repeated itself again, which became the history that we were taught. thus history always repeats itself, proved by induction
ecapt Bush left behind some US forces to maintain order and OBAMA ordered the 100% withdrawl against every single one if his advisory's advice.

I no nothing about libya atm.

Well it was close to being European tier in the HDI but now it's a stuffhole in civil war
Syria was in a state of civil war around 2011-2012, and the US only started supporting the rebel groups a year after that. If you want actual context, Assad authorized the shooting of peaceful protesters and allowed military action and violence to be taken against unarmed civilians. I don't see how supporting a group that wishes to bring democracy and peace to people makes anything worse. Us supporting it wouldn't necessarily cause a huge ripple effect or backlash, it just helps them fight for their goal.

Uhh no, the US intervened because Assad apparently used chemical weapons on rebels, in which that turned out to be completely wrong

It's like trying to put out a fire but being somewhat unsuccessful, it grows and then someone says "the fire got worse since you showed up!" Either way it would've gotten worse, but it matters that you did something to prevent it or helped slow it down.

No it's like pouring gasoline on a fire and expecting it to go out.

against every single one if his advisory's advice.

You mean advisers right?

ecapt Bush left behind some US forces to maintain order and OBAMA ordered the 100% withdrawl against every single one if his advisory's advice.

It worked so well in Vietnam