
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2228824 times)

Obama is a piece of stuff Muslim apologist with a hugely over-inflated ego hell-bent on having some kind of glorious 'legacy', too scared to do whats right.
Annoying Orange is the polar opposite, he literally doesn't give a stuff about the regressive whinery, and he makes good on his promises.

Sargon and Jontron did a livestream wtf

Also Jontron hates roads
« Last Edit: January 29, 2017, 06:20:04 AM by beachbum111111 »

Also Jontron hates roads
> Jontron Makes fun of the libertarians who wanted to abolish roads


> Jontron Makes fun of the libertarians who wanted to abolish roads


Funny thing is Matthew would abolish roads in favor of gulags for the liberals
« Last Edit: January 29, 2017, 01:05:22 PM by Red Spy »

im running for president next election and when i win ill execute matthew

> Jontron Makes fun of the libertarians who wanted to abolish roads


He later says he watches Steffan Molyneux

« Last Edit: January 29, 2017, 03:41:10 PM by Master Matthew² »

lol thanks for the laugh matthew

Do I even need to acknowledge this with a response? Mathew you need to realize that you very well might have autism. And I'm not saying it in the 'lol your a handicap' way that I do to Kimon, I think you might legitimately have issues with communication

I watched a documentary about the holocaust once, does that mean I'm a national socialist?

What? Unless you were watching Greatest Story Never told then no... Stefan Molyneux is one of the most famous ancaps out there.

I watch CNN, Does that mean I agree with their bullstuff?

Jontron said he watches and enjoys Stefans content you tard.

I watch Milo, and I still don't agree with everything he has said.

Look the ancap stuff with Molyneux is the least extreme of his stuff. Ever heard of "defooing"?

I watch loving Humble Water Filter Merchant, does that mean I agree with everything he has said, HELL NO. He's a literal "illuminati is in charge" man.

Yes Alex is funny because of how insane he is. I don't know how you can get a laugh out of a dry brit who rambles for half an hour. Most people who watch Molyneuxs stuff are watching to extract information

Hell, do you think I was smiling and overjoyed when PJW posted this video?

I don't understand, do you think 21 year olds should pretend to be babies?

I may support some people, or agree with certain view points, but this idiotic mentality that watching someone means you are one with their mentality, beliefs and viewpoints.

You can live in this fantasy if you wish, but that is beyond handicapped.

I think the most telling point that you could very well be autistic is that what I said was clearly a joke. I'm pretty sure everyone else itt knows I was making a joke. Nonnel knows I joking when I say he hates roads so he rolls with it. I stufftalk ancaps all the loving time because they are the funniest political meme to me.

Also I saw your ninja. You can't hide the fact that you sperged out from me
« Last Edit: January 29, 2017, 03:53:07 PM by beachbum111111 »

hey quick question what the forget is going on

ecapt Bush left behind some US forces to maintain order and OBAMA ordered the 100% withdrawl against every single one if his advisory's advice.
Obama went ahead with the 100% withdrawal that was signed by Bush. Arguably both of them should have had the foresight to see what would happen, but hindsight is 20/20.

Obama went ahead with the 100% withdrawal that was signed by Bush. Arguably both of them should have had the foresight to see what would happen, but hindsight is 20/20.

not if you're a garbage piece of stuff establishment shill (bush, obama)

Obama went ahead with the 100% withdrawal that was signed by Bush. Arguably both of them should have had the foresight to see what would happen, but hindsight is 20/20.

I thought Obama pulled out early. Which in other circumstances would be a good thing  :cookieMonster:

I thought Obama pulled out early. Which in other circumstances would be a good thing  :cookieMonster:
In 2008 George W. Bush signed the U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement. It included a deadline of 31 December 2011, before which "all the United States Forces shall withdraw from all Iraqi territory"

Under Obama's administration, the last troops were officially withdrawn on December 18th 2011. I guess you can count that as 13 days early but that seems like a stretch.