
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2229199 times)

If the roles were reversed and a conservative had a photoshoot with the "severed head" of Obama, I guarantee you they would be jailed for attempting to incite violence against the POTUS. At the bare minimum, no self-respecting employer would ever hire them again. The left would cry "tribal!" for the next month at the least.

"Rules for thee, but not for me" in full effect.

If the roles were reversed and a conservative had a photoshoot with the "severed head" of Obama, I guarantee you they would be jailed for attempting to incite violence against the POTUS. At the bare minimum, no self-respecting employer would ever hire them again. The left would cry "tribal!" for the next month at the least.
Believe me, plenty of tribals have done horrible things to Obama stand-ins. No charges were ever laid as far as I'm aware, and I don't offhandedly remember any public outrage.

So no, this is not a double standard. It's a pretty dumb thing to focus on anyway. She hates Annoying Orange to a point of extreme cringe. Congratulations, I never ever want to have anything to do with her, let's move on.


holy stuff
it's both stunningly / surreal & comedic and depressingly real; i didn't think people like that actually existed (trolls don't count)

what kind of inbred handicap does that stuff with a serious face?
the church in the background really sells it.

There are people on all sides of the political spectrum who are mentally unsafe and will do questionable things. Luckily, they only make up the minority.

unfortunately it's a very loud minority :>

go home Annoying Orange you're drunk

just one massive string of comics and memes posted by Mark Dice

News: President rushed to hospital after suffering stroke

just one massive string of comics and memes posted by Mark Dice
after that it's bendavid grabski complaining about Annoying Orange a hundred times

I really hope this covfefe thing lasts. it would be the best meme to come out of this presidency